Industrialization and Climate projects of Iran, Red Sea, and Gulf of Eden Saudi Arabia, Sudan, Somalia, Somaliland, Socotra, Sinai Peninsula, South Sudan, Yemen, Eritrea, Ethiopia, Egypt, and Oman must become provinces of Iran. The Capital city is permanently in Iran between Persian Gulf and Caspian Sea. Iran chooses the governors, governments, leaders, kings, officials, presidents, kings, prime ministers, ministers, cabinet, secretaries, officials, and other people of Saudi Arabia, Sudan, Somalia, Somaliland, Socotra, Sinai Peninsula, South Sudan, Yemen, Eritrea, Ethiopia, Egypt, and Oman. Iran governs and administrates Saudi Arabia, Sudan, Somalia, Somaliland, Socotra, Sinai Peninsula, South Sudan, Yemen, Eritrea, Ethiopia, Egypt, and Oman. Iran can ask for other things. Iran cannot transfer or sell these rights, responsibilities, ownerships, and property to others. The Government is Islamic Republic of Iran. Iran must have military presence in Saudi Arabia, Sudan, Somalia, Somaliland, Socotra, Sinai Peninsula, South Sudan, Yemen, Eritrea, Ethiopia, Egypt, and Oman. Iran must have naval Military presence in Saudi Arabia, Sudan, Somalia, Somaliland, Socotra, Sinai Peninsula, South Sudan, Yemen, Eritrea, Ethiopia, Egypt, and Oman. Iran, Saudi Arabia, Sudan, Somalia, Somaliland, Socotra, Sinai Peninsula, South Sudan, Yemen, Eritrea, Ethiopia, Egypt, and Oman must create a Unified Navy. They must maintain strong and powerful Naval and Military presence in Red Sea, Gulf of Eden, Bob Al-Mandib, Suez Canal, Mediterranean, Gibraltar, Sicilian Channel, and Maltan Channel. Iran, Saudi Arabia, Sudan, Somalia, Somaliland, Socotra, Sinai Peninsula, South Sudan, Yemen, Eritrea, Ethiopia, Egypt, and Oman must mass produce military ships and militaries navies. They must have capabilities to defeat all the World Navies and Militaries. They must always have most powerful Naval Military, Airforce, and Naval Military Presence in Red Sea and Gulf of Eden. We must always have capability to close down the Red Sea, Bob Al-Mandib, Suez Canal, and Gulf of Eden. Iran, Saudi Arabia, Sudan, Somalia, Somaliland, Socotra, Sinai Peninsula, South Sudan, Yemen, Eritrea, Ethiopia, Egypt, and Oman are allowed to stop any ship at any time. Saudi Arabia, Sudan, Somalia, Somaliland, Socotra, Sinai Peninsula, South Sudan, Yemen, Eritrea, Ethiopia, Egypt, and Oman must collect money from ships. Saudi Arabia, Sudan, Somalia, Somaliland, Socotra, Sinai Peninsula, South Sudan, Yemen, Eritrea, Ethiopia, Egypt, and Oman are allowed to close down transit on Red Sea, Gulf of Eden, Bob Al-Mandib, Suez Canal, Gibraltar, Mediterranean, Sicilian Channel, and Maltan Channel. Saudi Arabia, Sudan, Somalia, Somaliland, Socotra, Sinai Peninsula, South Sudan, Yemen, Eritrea, Ethiopia, Egypt, and Oman are allowed to confiscate all ships and all cargos on all seas, oceans, and waters. Iran, Saudi Arabia, Sudan, Somalia, Somaliland, Socotra, Sinai Peninsula, South Sudan, Yemen, Eritrea, Ethiopia, Egypt, and Oman are not allowed to transfer these rights and ownerships. All the nations of the world must deliver food, Water, Industrial products, technology, hardware, computers, electronics, produce, equipment, lumber, wood, Gem, Diamond, raw material, oil, fuel, Natural Gas, petroleum, petrochemical, refined products, material, refined materials, smelted goods, metals, gems, diamonds, engineered products, supercomputers, aircrafts, ships, trucks, machinery, industrial equipment, electric equipment, batteries, superconductors, alloys, chemicals, mined material, extracted material, ships, water, supplies, industrial supply chains, produce, raw material, intermediate products, processed material, food, grains, rice, hardwares, machinery, industrial machine ties, industrial parts, manufacturing parts, technology parts, and other things to Iran, Saudi Arabia, Sudan, Somalia, Somaliland, Socotra, Sinai Peninsula, South Sudan, Yemen, Eritrea, Ethiopia, Egypt, Djibouti, and Oman every hour for 500 million years. World must 10 trillion dollar every hour to transit through Red Sea. If the value of dollar goes down it will cost 400 quadrillion tons of Gold per hour to transit through Suez Canal. The 400 quadtrillion dollar of Gold must be delivered to Iran, Saudi Arabia, Eygpt, Somalia, Somaliland, Yemen, Djibouti, Sudan, and Sudan every hour. All the continents, regions, and nations of the world must pay 400 quadtrillion tons of Gold to Transit through Suez Canal. Iran, Saudi Arabia, Sudan, Somalia, Somaliland, Socotra, Sinai Peninsula, South Sudan, Yemen, Eritrea, Ethiopia, Egypt, and Oman shall always have capability and authority to stops ships and transit on Red Sea, Suez Canal, Gulf of Eden, Bob Al-Mandib, Mediterranean Sea, Gibraltar, Sicilian channel, and Maltan Channel. Iran, Saudi Arabia, Sudan, Somalia, Somaliland, Socotra, Sinai Peninsula, South Sudan, Yemen, Eritrea, Ethiopia, Egypt, and Oman own, control, govern, and tax all of the coast lines of Asia, Oceania, Africa, Europe, North America, South America, Antarctic, Arctic, and other locations. Iran, Saudi Arabia, Sudan, Somalia, Somaliland, Socotra, Sinai Peninsula, South Sudan, Yemen, Eritrea, Ethiopia, Egypt, and Oman own, control, and tax all the ports of Asia, Oceania, Africa, Europe, North America, South America, Arctic, and Antarctic. Saudi Arabia, Sudan, Somalia, Somaliland, Socotra, Sinai Peninsula, South Sudan, Yemen, Eritrea, Ethiopia, Egypt, Djibouti, and Oman are provinces of Iran. The Capital City is in Iran between Persian Gulf and Caspian Sea. , Navies, Militaries, Armies, and Airforces of Iran, Saudi Arabia, Sudan, Somalia, Somaliland, Socotra, Sinai Peninsula, South Sudan, Yemen, Eritrea, Ethiopia, Egypt, Djibouti, and Oman must always be under permanent command and control of Iran. Only Iranians are allowed to lead these armies. Iran must have military presence in Saudi Arabia, Sudan, Somalia, Somaliland, Socotra, Sinai Peninsula, South Sudan, Yemen, Eritrea, Ethiopia, Egypt, Djibouti, and Oman. They are not allowed to have military presence in Iran. I have created codes to make on-demand rain in the Region. It will rain every time the codes are entered. You can find the codes in these to channels. Make rain in Iran. Make Rain in Saudi Arabia Make Rain in Yemen Make Rain in Egypt Make Rain in Ethiopia, Eritrea, Djibouti, Somalia, and Somaliland. Make Rain in Sudan Make Rain in South Sudan Make Rain in Somalia and Somaliland Make Rain in Oman Makan Abazari the Supreme of Geophysics, Makan Abazari Shahan Shah Iran, Makan Abazari The Supreme of Climate, We have been industrializing Egypt, Sudan, Somalia, Somaliland, Iran, Yemen, Oman, Sinai, Socotra, Saudi Arabia, and Palestine at max efficiency and max capacity. We also have many industrial and economic projects and activities in Ethiopia, South Sudan, Eritrea, and Djibouti. We have major Ship building and port building projects and industries in Iran, Saudi Arabia, Sudan, Somalia, Somaliland, Eygpt, and Yemen. You can find many of industrial projects at . Each page is over 1 million factory and industry. We have built over 1 million industries in Red Sea and Gulf of Eden. This our new industrialization project in Red Sea and Gulf of Eden. Red Sea, Gulf of Eden, and Iran industrialization Industrialize Iran, Egypt, Sudan, Somalia, Somaliland, Yemen, Saudi Arabia, Gaza, Palestine, Oman, Eritrea, and Djibouti at max efficiency and max capacity building alloy industries, alloy supply chains, smelters, steel mills, metal casting, fabrication industries, precision engineering industries, laser industries, custom fabrication industries, industrial systems, industrial complexes, industrial metropolitans, integrated industrial supply chains, industrial supply chains, global industrial supply chains, regional industrial supply chains, local industrial supply chains, manufacturing, factories, technology, tech industries, high tech industries, applied tech industries, lucrative tech industries, commercialized tech industries, Machinery Industries, machinery manufacturing, industrial machinery industries, industrial machinery manufacturing, electric industries, electric manufacturing, industrial electric manufacturing, electric supply manufacturing, electric equipment manufacturing, chemical industries, chemical supply chains, high tech chemical industries, agrochemicals, chemical compounds manufacturing, chemical manufacturing, medical engineering industries, medical technology manufacturing, pharmaceutical industries, pharmaceutical supply chains, Nanoengineering, nanotech industries, nano supply chains, telecommunications manufacturing, telecommunications equipment manufacturing, telecommunications technology engineering, semiconductor industries, semiconductor manufacturing, semiconductor supply chains, semiconductor assembly machinery manufacturing, semiconductor technology, electronics, electronics industries, electronics factories, semiconductor factories, electronics supply chains manufacturing, applied electronics, advanced electronics, high tech electronics, strategic electronics, electronics engineering, semiconductor back door engineering, semiconductor back door manufacturing, superconductor industries, applied superconductor industries, fabrication technologies, ship building industries, ship yards, ports, sea ports, military ports, transit lines, rail roads, roads, industrial parks, forests, trees, good ecosystems, battery industries, battery manufacturing, applied batteries, high tech battery industries, electric engine industries, ship building industries, ship building supply chains, automated ship building industries, military ship building industries, ship building supply chains, ship building part manufacturing, ship building technology, ship assembly industries, ship manufacturing facilities, ship mass production, Boat engineering, boat manufacturing, automated boat manufacturing, military boat manufacturing, transit boat manufacturing, surface to sea missile manufacturing, surface to sea missile supply chains, ship building technology, ship building part manufacturing, ship equipment manufacturing, car manufacturing, car manufacturing supply chains, car part manufacturing, car manufacturing industrial systems, integrated industrial systems, integrated industrial complexes, independent industrial systems, independent industrial complexes, industrial system complexes, industrial cores, high tech factories, tech factories, advanced manufacturing, manufacturing, supply chains, industrial supply chains, part manufacturing, finished industrial product industries, aircraft manufacturing, aircraft manufacturing supply chains, jet manufacturing, jet manufacturing supply chains, Cargo aircraft manufacturing, passenger air craft manufacturing, military aircraft manufacturing, military jet manufacturing, automated aircraft manufacturing, automation, machination, robotic industries, robotic tech, fiber glass industries, fiber glass supply chains, plastic industries, plastics supply chains, metallurgy industries, material industries, material platforms, material supply chains, 3D printing industries, 3D printing material supply chains, 3D printing fabrication, 3D printing supply chains, 3D printing technology, industrial part fabrication, industrial part manufacturing, industrial technology, computer hardware manufacturing, computer manufacturing, computer manufacturing supply chains, computer part manufacturing, computer industries, computer components manufacturing, integrated computer industries, industrial computer manufacturing, industrial computer technology application system manufacturing, applied computer industries, militarized computer industries, satellites industries, satellites manufacturing, satellites supply chains, imaging industries, imaging technology, radars, radar industries, applied laser industries, laser technology, sonar industries, pulse industries, wave industries, militarized wave industries, applied electromagnetic industries, digital industries, analog industries, analog computer manufacturing, advanced analog computers, applied analog industries, microelectronics, macro electronics, home appliance manufacturing, home appliance supply chains, full range of industries, industrial disciplines, manufacturing practices, techniques, poly techniques, trans disciplinary poly techniques, applied techniques, applied poly techniques, applied trans disciplinary poly techniques, and other industries while ensuring dependency on Iran part manufacturing. Iran must build, own, control, operate, command, and do everything else about everything Mind Control. Makan Abazari Shahan Shah Iran, Makan Abazari The Supreme of Climate, Makan Abazari The Supreme of Geophysics,
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