Industrial Supply Chains; Phenix Rising

Phenix Rising; Global Industrial Supply Chains
APRIL 10, 2019
ticking tic tic tic it clicks 8 times and then it breaks. It was our Poly technique which collapsed
Date: August 8, 2018
Author: Makan Abazari
Trump’s uncontrolled Tariffs and constant pressures on China are harming global supply chain systems. The highly integrated supply chain of global industries have been under heavy pressure due to Trump Tariffs and not many people have been noticing many critical and important industries are falling in Asia and in China. Europe also has been suffering extensive lost to America’s predatory behavior. It is not how a country as center financial flow behaves. America is engaged in destroying decades and decades of efforts by many nations and many actors. The gains have been in less important industries while important industries have been globally suffering. It is only matter of time until global system of Supply chains experiences collapse and many depending sectors will also collapse with them. For example America’s predatory behavior will affect many actors who were reliant on export to China to be profitable. Now China cannot be selling at competitive rate to America and other actors. Thus the industries which were in Europe and Japan will soon be unable to produce since they will lack the market for their products. But hold on America is also purchasing from China parts used in its industries. It means America either will not be able to produce its product or it will lack business sense to continue producing. It is a recession in making but the recession is not always due to lack of finance. During great depression world was not working on Debt and Credit Economy. Then Economy was purely was based on Manufacturing and Industrial production. Thus there was not fall of Financial Market causing great depression in 1929. It was break down of supply chain and trade war which led to great depression. Recession does not have to happen due to Credit Market collapsing. Anything which would put pressure on the producers and businesses and thus making them unable to produce and unable to stay financially sound will lead to recession. We are bound to receive critical set backs in several industrially important Corporations with danger of total fall of these corporations and industries. It will do exactly what recession did in 2009 but in 2009 the only thing missing was worthless dollar bill. Now which is missing is supply and parts for production of the good. Of course we can increase value of Google by another 500 dollar a share and pump facebook by couple of 100 dollar bubble to hide effects of financial collapse. Uncle Sam: “ Talk about cheese and soy bean.” We can also have Soy Bean Hamburgers, McDonald, Burger King, and Kentucky growing and hiding effect and lost in stock market. . It is a slow paced scenario at this time but there is a countdown to sudden break down of system which will be experienced in chain reactions of close down of many industrial suppliers and producers. Car Manufacturing is not even important. Car Industry is shining part of consumerism but there are far more critical parts. #Big#Iranian #Brother #Watching By Makan Abazari
ticking tic tic tic it clicks 8 times and then it breaks. It was our Poly technique which collapsed. Thanks to Ragen we also lost Symposium of Gnostics and engineering (University of Neyshabour, Classified Metropolitan Museum records). Did you know Statue of Liberty had actual Light House made in era of symposium of Gnostics and Engineering? Now we are back to Bronze Age and we have the flame made of Gold. How far are we from sending a Man to the moon? Last year it was 5 years. Hold on Iranian Central Bank has created Keyhan Currency which will be awarded for every space station and Colony in Space. Uncle Sam: “Still 5 years away from sending a man to the moon. It is actual fact concerning America in 2018. Symphony of Gnostics is lost” Makan: ” Come on Trump said five years over a year ago.” Uncle Sam: ” We are five years away from sending a man to the moon.” Makan : ” Iran was 5 years away from making a nuclear Bomb in 2013. but it kept its promises and we cheated Iran.” Uncle Sam: ” We don’t know when the Recession Kicks in.” Iran : “It does not have anything to do with us man
Part 2 on Global Industrial Supply Chains:
How global Industrial supply chain must be?
Global Industrial supply chain must follow globalism and to certain degree free trade organization rules. Meaning it must be distributed globally across the planet earth. Locations we have in mind for such distribution of global supply chain is Russia, Middle East, Iran, Central Asia, Red Sea, and Egypt. These are locations best situated to benefit from global infrastructure development and are prime locations for placement of global industrial supply chains. The industrial supply chains usually by passed these regions and was concentrated in East Asia and West Europe. But the bypass of vast parts of planet earth had led to weakness of global industrial supply chains. It almost broke in 2018 during trade wars. Distribution of global industrial supply chains to Iran, Middle East, Russia and other regions will give the system robustness to stand trade wars, tariffs, and other problems which could harm the continiouty of trade and industrial productions. When there are more producers for each parts then the system is more dynamic and can change customer as condition change due to geopolitics and trade wars. Locations like Iran and Russia are prime locations due to their placement on land corridors and sea corridors of transit. Iran and Russia also have one of the most abundant natural resources and mines which are needed for global industrial supply chains. Iran and Russia also have intermediate products industries, supply chains, and human capital to host manufacturing, supply production, and even technology development. The Technology development is for those who want to also have vibrant, robust, and dynamic high tech sectors such as electronics, nanotech, and Nuclear technology in their portfolio of investments and projects. Thus Iran and Russia offer great for high tech industries. Now Iran and Russia are also known for production of wide variety of finished industrial products. Russia alone is one of absolute super powers in production of industrial finished products and has capacity to be the destination for global industrial supply chains to be built into high tech or finished industrial goods. Russia is great and prime location for all manner of investment. Russia is near Europe and China and shares borders with both of them. Russia has relative closeness to Iran and Middle East. Russia also has abundant natural resources and energy which are both needed in industrial supply chains and economic activities. So I strongly suggest Russia, Iran, Egypt, and Middle East as destination of your investment.
Now Egypt is located on both red sea and Mediterranean Sea. Egypt connects Asia to Africa on land and is on route of global industrial supply chain. Assume industrial part is going to USA to be processed before going to Europe for final stage. Well Egypt in on route to Europe and Egypt can fill the role USA plays and industrial works can be done in Egypt.
Now we have created trade deals, agreements, and tariffs in a way to preserve global balance of power between USA and others. We have also created trade deals in a way to distribute parts of global industrial supply chains across the Earth due to trade deals, tariffs, and cost of production. See the corporations and producers are seeking profit. In order to stay competitive in the market they are seeking cheapest costs and best returns. Trade deals must be designed in a way to enforce each step of global industrial supply chain to be placed in a different location across a planet or across a region. For example, aluminum used in production of cars are cheaper to produce in Mexico and USA rather to import them instead of paying the high costs in America. This will distribute the global supply chain.
Why do we distribute global Industrial supply chains?
Let us go back to case of aluminum. Aluminum is used in car manufacturing and full host of other sectors in USA including defense and military. If America independently produces aluminum, electronics, and other parts used in Military industry then America will be cheaply and industrially be producing tanks, Jets, and other military equipment. I am talking about expanding size of USA Military and their hardware by many folds every five years or less. What does that imply? That implies danger to world security and balance of power. We also at times need to ensure certain industries are kept in check for dangers they can pose or changes they may force on society and on environment. These dangers to environment by certain industries can be prevented by blocking their supply chains and forcing cleaner operations by distancing their supply producers from them. Assume a manufacturer in USA dumping all the pollution into rivers. There is no mean of enforcing regulation at this time and they are making so much profit from their pollution causing manufacturing and industry. We go and prevent their cargo ship bringing supplies to their industry to reach on time. We slow their polluting industry by many fold until we get to the window we can enforce the new regulation or until new and cleaner industry is available to all of us.
What is your opinion about Iranian Economy?
There is a saying 1 million dollar in Iran is like 5 billion dollar in Germany. The strategic location, capacity, strong fundamentals, and capabilities have created opportunity for building an industrial giant and economic super power in Iran leading to expansion of markers and margins for everyone. But Trump withdrawal from JCPOA and Nuclear Agreement has made it difficult to do trade with Iran. But there are corporations and actors who can do trade in Iran and avoid sanctions. The layers of industrial supply chains will protect you from sanctions because reach of sanctions is not infinite.
Another important point I must remind Trump will be a one term president. Neither Business people nor Americans want him. Trump will lose his place in office and will be replaced by someone who will be lifting sanctions on Iran very quickly. We are expecting sanctions to be lifted from Iran in 2020. If we are to uphold the agreement we made at JCPOA then we must help size of Iranian Economy to grow many fold and reach size of Italy and Spain combined. Otherwise, Iran can start Nuclear Program any minute and achieve production Nuclear Warheads within 6 months. If Iran become Nuclear then Iran will become also Major Nuclear Power in coming years and there is nothing to stop them. Once Iran become Nuclear then we have Iran at the table with a big gun. We rather have Iran at the table with strong economy contributing to World Prosperity. Kissinger had even said a strong and economically powerful Iran is good and has been desire of some of us for years but no Nuclear Iran. But Iran can say to Kissinger no I will become Nuclear and then I will also become major economic power. So we rather to lift sanctions on Iran and work with Iran in Economic sphere. Start a global effort of investment, development, and technology transfer to Iran and establish securities for our investments. We can have Iran with size of economy of southern Europe or we can have Iran as Major Nuclear Power. Mr Trump choice is not yours for you are on your way out.
Iran, Egypt, Middle East, Red Sea, Russia, and Central Asia are prime locations.
Now industrialize Iran at max efficiency and at max capacity building industrial supply chains, finished industrial products, industrial parts, manufactured goods, electric parts, electric products, electric equipments, electric finished products, electrical engineering industries, added value petrochemical facilities, Jet fuels, car fuels, car batteries for electric cars, full range of car parts, robotic car manufacturing, advanced manufacturing, high end manufacturing, all sizes of passenger plane manufacturing, all sizes of cargo plane manufacturing, air plane part manufacturing, air plane engine manufacturing, heavy engine manufacturing, heavy duty engine manufacturing, truck manufacturing, truck part manufacturing, truck assembly, robotic truck manufacturing, electric car manufacturing, electric truck manufacturing, train manufacturing, robotic train manufacturing, military industry manufacturing, military industry complex, large scale tank manufacturing, large scale helicopter manufacturing, large scale military jet manufacturing, robotic military jet manufacturing, robotic military manufacturing, full range of military equipment and part manufacturing, Large scale of wide variety of anti air manufacturing, chemical production facilities, full range of chemical indsutries, agrochemical industries, cleaners industries, cosmetic industries, plastic industries, full range of plastic industries, full range of fiber glass industries, full range of chemical production facilities, full range of finished industrial product manufacturing, machinery manufacturing, machinery part product facilities, machinery equipment production industries, machinery fabrication, cog building and fabrication workshops. custom fabrication industries and workshops. ship yards, large scale automated ship building industries, part building industries for ship building, precession engineering industries, finished machinery production industries, machination industries, full range of intermediate industries, smelters, full range of metallurgy industries, full range of alloy industries, full range of material science and material engineering industries, commercialized biotech, profitable biotech, commercialized nano tech industries, nanoengineering industries, strategic nanotech production facilities, full range of superconductor production industries, full range of applied superconductor industries, full range of nuclear technologies, nuclear tech exclusivities, large scale nuclear bomb production industries, nuclear reactor production facilities, full range nuclear rod production industries, full range nuclear fuels production industries, intercontinental technology, intercontinental missiles, Rocket technology, rocket production facilities, cruise missiles, full range of semiconductor industrial supply chains, semiconductor compound production industries, semiconductor assembly industries, semiconductor assembly machinery manufacturing, semiconductor assembly industries, electronic part manufacturing, full range of electronic industrial supply chains, full range of electronic part manufacturing, electronics assembly industries, electronic mega corporations, semiconductor mega corporations, robotic manufacturing, full range of semiconductor part manufacturing, robotic industries, robotic manufacturing, nuclear reactor production industries, nuclear battery production industries, large scale car tire manufacturing, full range of laser industries, full range of applied lasers industries, full range of 3D printing industries, full range of applied 3D printing industries, full range of material production industries for 3D printers, Nano 3D printing, Metal 3D printing, Computer manufacturing, full range of computer part manufacturing industries, computer assemblies, computer industries, industrial computer manufacturing, industrial computer part manufacturing, full range of computers supply chains, Superconductor computer manufacturing, superconductor computer part manufacturing, super computer manufacturing, Computer cities, supercomputer city mega hive, onboard computers, swarm computers, swarm robotics, centralized computer manufacturing, Nuclear Motors, Nuclear Rotors, Nuclear Machinery, Nuclear powered submarines, nuclear powered ship manufacturing, nuclear powered air plane manufacturing, nuclear powered spaceship manufacturing, nuclear powered tank manufacturing, nuclear powered truck manufacturing, nuclear powered construction machinery manufacturing, nuclear powered robot manufacturing, air and space industries, spaceship manufacturing, air craft manufacturing, broad range of flying machines manufacturing and development, superconductor air planes, UFO, Boshghab Parande, Ceramic Air planes, Ceramic Jet engines, Heat resistance Jet Engines, Melamine Airplanes, Superconductor trains, superconductor Amtraks, superconductor guns, profitable medical equipment production industries, medical equipment production industries, medical technology industries, Medical goods production industries, medical equipment manufacturing ,medical supply manufacturing, MRI industries, waves industries, rays industries, electromagnetic equipment manufacturing, applied ray, pulses, beams, and wave industries and industrial disciplines, instrumentation industries, instrumentation engineering, instrumentation manufacturing, instrumentation practices, applied instrumentation, full range of instrument manufacturing and other industrial disciplines for Iran in Iran.
Makan Abazari The King of Kings


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