Imported post: Facebook Post: 2021-06-14T09:11:07

ticking tic tic tic it clicks 8 times and then it breaks. It was our Poly technique which collapsed AUGUST 8, 2018 MAKAN ABAZARI Trump’s uncontrolled Tariffs and constant pressures on China are harming global supply chain systems. The highly integrated supply chain of global industries have been under heavy pressure due to Trump Tariffs and not many people have been noticing many critical and important industries are falling in Asia and in China. Europe also has been suffering extensive lost to America’s predatory behavior. It is not how a country as center financial flow behaves. America is engaged in destroying decades and decades of efforts by many nations and many actors. The gains have been in less important industries while important industries have been globally suffering. It is only matter of time until global system of Supply chains experiences collapse and many depending sectors will also collapse with them. For example America’s predatory behavior will affect many actors who were reliant on export to China to be profitable. Now China cannot be selling at competitive rate to America and other actors. Thus the industries which were in Europe and Japan will soon be unable to produce since they will lack the market for their products. But hold on America is also purchasing from China parts used in its industries. It means America either will not be able to produce its product or it will lack business sense to continue producing. It is a recession in making but the recession is not always due to lack of finance. During great depression world was not working on Debt and Credit Economy. Then Economy was purely was based on Manufacturing and Industrial production. Thus there was not fall of Financial Market causing great depression in 1929. It was break down of supply chain and trade war which led to great depression. Recession does not have to happen due to Credit Market collapsing. Anything which would put pressure on the producers and businesses and thus making them unable to produce and unable to stay financially sound will lead to recession. We are bound to receive critical set backs in several industrially important Corporations with danger of total fall of these corporations and industries. It will do exactly what recession did in 2009 but in 2009 the only thing missing was worthless dollar bill. Now which is missing is supply and parts for production of the good. Of course we can increase value of Google by another 500 dollar a share and pump facebook by couple of 100 dollar bubble to hide effects of financial collapse. Uncle Sam: “ Talk about cheese and soy bean.” We can also have Soy Bean Hamburgers, McDonald, Burger King, and Kentucky growing and hiding effect and lost in stock market. . It is a slow paced scenario at this time but there is a countdown to sudden break down of system which will be experienced in chain reactions of close down of many industrial suppliers and producers. Car Manufacturing is not even important. Car Industry is shining part of consumerism but there are far more critical parts. #Big #Iranian #Brother #Watching By Makan Abazari ticking tic tic tic it clicks 8 times and then it breaks. It was our Poly technique which collapsed. Thanks to Ragen we also lost Symposium of Gnostics and engineering (University of Neyshabour, Classified Metropolitan Museum records). Did you know Statue of Liberty had actual Light House made in era of symposium of Gnostics and Engineering? Now we are back to Bronze Age and we have the flame made of Gold. How far are we from sending a Man to the moon? Last year it was 5 years. Hold on Iranian Central Bank has created Keyhan Currency which will be awarded for every space station and Colony in Space. Uncle Sam: “Still 5 years away from sending a man to the moon. It is actual fact concerning America in 2018. Symphony of Gnostics is lost” Makan: ” Come on Trump said five years over a year ago.” Uncle Sam: ” We are five years away from sending a man to the moon.” Makan : ” Iran was 5 years away from making a nuclear Bomb in 2013. but it kept its promises and we cheated Iran.” Uncle Sam: ” We don’t know when the Recession Kicks in.” Iran : “Lift sanctions on Iran.”


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