
Showing posts from December, 2020

Build Makan Shipping Industry Of Iran

We want to expand the Size of Navy of Iran and The Size of Shipping industries of Iran. We want to create Makan Shipping Industry of Iran. The headquarter Of Makan Shipping Industry Of Iran will be permanently in Iran. The Ships and the Makan Shipping Industry Of Iran shall be permanently owned by Makan Abazari and Iranians. Foreigners cannot own the company and the Ships. We want to have Cargo Ships, Military Ships, and Passenger ships. The military ships will be for protection Ships belonging to Makan Shipping Industry Of Iran. Military ships are also for confiscating illegal Cargo Ships and other Ships. The Makan Shipping Industry Of Iran will fully cooperate with Government of Iran Military Of Iran. We want to create World largest Shipping Industry. We want over 1 million Cargo Ships and over 1 million fishing boats. We must also have 5 Thousand Naval Military Vessels, Aircraft Carriers, Battle Cruisers, Destroyers, military repair ships, and amphibious combat Vessels. We must ha

Economic Capital Of Iran

  We want to build Corporations, Mega Corporation, International corporation Headquarters, Enterprises, Conglomerates, and other such systems in Iran. They must be under ownership of Iran. Iranian must at least have 51 percent ownership of them. These corporations must be big and powerful corporation. They must have strong fundamental to continue operation and supremacy over global economy for centuries. These Corporations must be One of Top Corporations in the given industry. The Corporations must do economic activities around the world while their headquarters are in Iran. They must also pay tax to government of Iran. They must produce wealth. I am Industrializing Iran, Middle East, Central Asia, North Africa, Red Sea, Horn of Africa, Afghanistan, Pakistan, Anatolia, and Arabian Peninsula. We want the headquarters and offices of majority of world economic systems and industries to be in Iran. An Economic Capital Of The World in Iran. We also want to build a powerful Financial Capit

Industrialization of Yemen and Iran

We want to build rail roads, roads, ports, civic infrastructures, and other transit corridors in Yemen. Now work at max efficiency and max capacity building in Yemen  rail roads, roads, ports, civic infrastructures, and other transit corridors. We want to build many ports in Yemen on Gulf of Eden and the Red Sea. Now work at max efficiency and max capacity building in Yemen hundreds of ports. Yemen is now Province of Iran. The Capital City is in Iran. Iran is allowed to permanently station troops in Yemen.  Now work at max efficiency and max capacity building in Yemen and Iran ship building industries, ship yards, ship manufacturing, ship part manufacturing, ship industrial supply chains, ship assembly, ship part fabrication industries, ship building facilities while ensuring dependency on Iran’s part manufacturing. Now work at max efficiency and max capacity creating industrial supply chains between Iran, Yemen, Red Sea, and the rest of the world. Now work at max efficiency and max ca

Industrialization of Yemen

Now work at max efficiency and max capacity building in Afghanistan Petrochemical refineries, petrochemical supply chains, integrated Petrochemical industries, telecommunications manufacturing, electronics part manufacturing, electronics assembly, electronics industrial supply Chains, electronics, computer manufacturing, computer part manufacturing, computer supply manufacturing, computer assembly, Semiconductor industries, semiconductor industrial supply chains, semiconductor industries, semiconductor assembly, integrated semiconductor industries, supercomputer industries, supercomputer manufacturing, integrated quantum industries, integrated computer industries, power plants, turbine manufacturing, turbine industries, battery industries, applied turbine industries, applied battery industry, plastic industries, applied plastic industries, fiber glass industries, applied fiber glass industries, integrated fiber glass industries, integrated plastic industries, helicopters manufacturi

How to build Territories of Iran

We want to create a system to develop and build New Territory of Iran. I have been told Iran is sanctioned and cannot pay for development of new territories. Specially since I have 72 Nations. Some of my Nations are several Countries. For example, I have Uganda, Kenya, Ethiopia, Somalia, Sudan, South Sudan, Djibouti, Eritrea, and Egypt. They are only One of 72 Nations I have. So Iran can not afford developing and building my 72 Nations. My 72 Nations are Provinces of Iran. The Capital City is in Iran. About creating a mechanism to build and develop my 72 Nations I have a plan. Iran produces industrial Machineries, construction Machineries, tractors, industrial parts, electric equipment, computers, and industrial products. The 72 nations of Iran will purchase these equipments and construction Machineries from Iran. The 72 Nations must pay Iran to purchase these equipments from Iran. They must also provide parts and supplies to Iran to help Iran to build them. They must also help Iran a

Industrial Discipline

We prefer levers and switches to softwares and electronics. So we rather to control a machine or system by pulling levers or turning switches. If you see old computers having many keys it is because of the security they offered. There are 700 years old computers far better than combined computation of all of personal computers, microelectronics, electronics, and hand held devices. They are old and one computer compute better and faster than all the equipment built in recent times combined. These old computers also had advantage of having levers and switches to control them. It guaranteed near security for them since they had many keys for control of each part of system. But my smart phone only has a touch pad and 5 keys. We see how the security has been reduced due to digitalization and semiconductor backdoors. The Machineries and Factories where also controlled by levers and switches. For example an industrial machinery size of Manhattan has an area as big as an school bus every few h

Iran Telecommunications Manufacturing

Now work at max efficiency and max capacity building in Iran telecommunications manufacturing, telecommunications part manufacturing, telecommunications supply manufacturing, telecommunications industrial supply chains, telecommunications assembly, telecommunications equipment manufacturing, telecommunications equipment assembly, telecommunications assembly, telecommunications semiconductor backdoors, telecommunications backdoors, telecommunications technology development facility, telecommunications production facilities, telecommunications assembly, full range of telecommunications of industrial supply chains, 5G equipment manufacturing, 6G equipment manufacturers, and other telecommunications manufacturing and productions industries while ensuring Iran’s independence in telecommunications supply chains. Iran must build, own, control, command, engineer, design, and operate everything about mind control. Makan Abazari Shahan Shah Iran, Now work at max efficiency and max capacity buil

Rebel USA now start operations in USA. We must make sure BLM, Evangelist, and other Rebellions In USA continue after Joe Biden takes office. Be ready to declare independence from USA.

Food Industries of Iran and Middle East

  We can expand area under farming in Syria. We want to expand such areas in Syria, Iran, Iraq, Saudi Arabia, Turkey, Turkmenistan, Uzbekistan, Pakistan, and in general the region. We have been sending more Rains to the region by climate control and weather control equipment. It will transform ecology and weather condition in the region from 40 years to 1000 years. We hope it is minimum 40 to 150 years. It means Middle East will have forests and seas. There will be no deserts. It also we can farm in many areas of Middle East. So we want to most importantly farm from Greater Region to produce more food to increase the population and support the population. We also want to take control of food security of the world by producing food and processing them into packaged food and expensive food products for exports. It does not mean we want to create farming societies. Because we are concurrently industrializing Middle East, Iran, and several other regions at max efficiency and max capacity.

World System

We see France has gone on automatic anti new world system behavior. It is effect of mass mind control and automated mind control algorithm of world system. A world System no longer valid. We see Foreign Minister of France talks against Iran and Macron acting against Muslims. Macron is effectively acting against Nations such as Iran, Saudi Arabia, Iraq, Afghanistan, Syria, Yemen, Egypt, Libya, Algeria, Mali, Niger, Ethiopia, Turkmenistan, and Turkey. When you accuse and pressure Muslims it means you have long term plans of harming Iran and other nations in the Center. Central Nations were most advanced Nations and System in the history of the World. We colonized space and build infrastructures on other planets. We moved earth. We built atmosphere and biosphere for Neptune, Mars, moon, and Earth. We built technology to live for very long time. We also built technology used for our important works such as advanced classified industries and platforms. We don’t reveal the secrets often to

Rain to stop protests make rains to stop protests in Kurdistan, Red Sea, and Middle East please. Thanks,

Mediterranean Union

  <!-- wp:image {"id":2855,"sizeSlug":"large"} --> <figure class="wp-block-image size-large"><img src="" alt="" class="wp-image-2855"/></figure> <!-- /wp:image --> <!-- wp:image {"linkDestination":"custom"} --> <figure class="wp-block-image"><a class="asp-embed-link" href=""><img src="" alt="Support expansion of Iran Nuclear Program"/></a></figure> <!-- /wp:image --> <!-- wp:image {"linkDestination":"custom"} --> <figure class="wp-block-image"><a class="asp-embed-link" href="https://www.

Integrate Iran and China industrial supply chains

We want to integrate industrial supply chains of Iran and China. We must ensure Iran has independence in manufacturing parts and industrial supplies. But China has such massive industrial Might that there is much room for integration of Iran into China’s Industrial Supply Chains. So Iran remains independent in production of parts and supplies but still exports large amount of parts and supplies to China. We built China and built its massive industrial might because cost of workers was very low. It took 40 years but now that era has ended. It costs minimum 600 dollar to hire Chinese workers. It is low amount of wage but wages in Iran are about 200 dollar monthly. So it is now better and more suitable to manufacture in Iran. Iran also has steel, alloy, petrochemical, intermediate products industries, supply chains, and integrated part manufacturing to create a shot industrial supply chain locally while creating a massive industrial supply chain by integration into China. It will boost ec

Massachusetts high tech industries

We writing this to increase my influence in Massachusetts. We want to expand my control and influence regionally and locally. I have great influence around the globe but I lack the influence on local policies of Massachusetts. For this purpose we start with giving directives and order to State Representatives of Massachusetts. State representatives and governor of Massachusetts must work toward easing doing high tech business in Massachusetts. We have many Universities and centers of Research and development in Massachusetts area. It translates to development of High Tech Patents, Technology, and Sciences. These newly developed technologies and ideas have been becoming high tech corporations elsewhere in USA and around the world such as Singapore. We must build the corporations and factories here In Massachusetts. 10 percent of these corporations, new technologies, and industries must belong to a Makan Abazari. Remember it is power of Makan Abazari that will enable us to build these hi