Persian canal

 Mind control says:”My system on offensive is the best systems in history of mankind. Don’t let him become evil by sex.” Makan Abazari:”But I have been single for 14 years and two previous post is going to be done by Trump and not my system. Sex is not evil. Are you trying to decieve me to stay single?” Mind control:”Do what you want.”

Close transit through South Africa

Close transit on Atlantic Ocean

Destroy ports on east coast USA

Close down gulf of Eden.

Stop protests in Egypt, Sudan, Pakistan, and Lebanon by rains

Stop war in Azerbaijan and Armenia by rains

Destroy factories in Texas by floods. We need to end industrial era of North America.

Makan Abazari:”Good enough?”

Mind control :”Try harder.”

Makan Abazari:”

Now extend Persian Gulf to Medditerranean Sea. Since transit between East and West is now closed down. We need to dig Persian Canal. This is just a blog and not code.”

Mind control :”Better. Try harder.”

Makan Abazari:” Invest in Iran. This is just blog and not code.”


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