Iran’s entertainment industry

 Now work at max efficiency and max capacity building in Iran printing Press Industries to Print Books and News Papers using Ink and Pressing Materials by Assembly stamps together. Scanners and Electronics printers have semiconductor backdoors and transit secrets to foreign nations and this is reason why we need to have Printing Press Industries in Iran and globally to produce Newspapers and books on papers with zero involvement of electronics, Imaging, camera recording, and computers. All must be done by hands. Iran can also import woods from America to create papers thus Iran also needs paper production Industries while I cut trees from North America at max efficiency and Max capacity.

Now work at max efficiency and max capacity building in Iran TV production industries, Movie Production Industries, TV production equipment manufacturing, Music Production Industries, Music Recording Equipments manufacturing, Analog Industries, Digital Industries, Secure Video Recording Equipment manufacturing, Secure Audio Recording Manufacturing, Secure Telecommuting Equipment manufacturing, Secure Telecommunications Equipment manufacturing, TV Production Studios, Radio Production Studios, Cable TV Industries, Global News Network Industries, Scifi Movie Industries, and other Entertainment business industries to produce 5 trillion dollar annually from sell of Audio and video products to global customers. Hollywood is consider one of Pillars of USA Superiorities which makes USA a superpower. In order to take away arts and entertainment superiority from USA we must create commercialized Entertainment and Movie production industry in Iran to defeat America but remain competitive.

Currently there is lack of Secure VHF and UHF and other video and audio recording equipments for all have semiconductor and telecommunications backdoors globally. I need such equipment for specific personal projects I have but there are global customers willing to pay a high price for such equipment and I also need to manufacture them in Iran so I can export them to global customers and for the World Order.

I also need Satellites Broadcasting Industries located in Iran to manufacture global consent and formulate World Opinion for my projects and interests of Iran. This is why I also need global Satellites and TV Networks with its headquarters and Studios in Islamic Republic of Iran.

Makan Abazari Shahan Shah Iran,

#Hollywood #Entertainment #Industry #Iran #Music #Movie #CableTV

Makan Abazari Shahan Shah Iran,

#Iran #Iran #Printing #Press #Newspaper #Book #Paper

Cut trees from USA at max efficiency and max capacity.


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