
Showing posts from September, 2020

Trump isolated USA

@JoeBiden @realDonaldTrump Trump has ruined Reputation of America globally. @PressSec @Iran @EU @NATO If Trump remains USA president America will be further isolated around the world. We will lose Britain and European Union as allies. European Union and Britain will becomes allies of Iran. Russia will get closer to Italy and European Union. They will humiliate Trump again and again when he travels to Europe and whenever Trump goes to NATO summit. It is new Normal in Europe to humiliate USA Presidents. Until Trump they were close allies of United States of America and they cooperated at all times. But no excluding case of Russia they oppose USA. This must become permanent so they remember America is responsible for crimes of Trump. We cannot put it on old retard Trump. America and American voters are guilty of crimes Trump committed against Europe, Iran, Russia, Britain, China, Brazil, India, and the rest of the World. Balance of Power:”We must ensure the World Remembers them as crime

Car manufacturing industries of Iran

Now work at max efficiency and max capacity building in Iran car part manufacturing, Car part production, car industrial supply chains, car engineering platforms, car batteries, car radiators, full range of car part Supply Chains, full range of car frame manufacturing, full range of car aluminum industries, full range of car allow industries, full range of car engine manufacturing, full range of car engine supply chains, full range of car part fabrication, full range of car part casting, full range of Robotic Car manufacturing, full range of robotic robot manufacturing for manufacturing cars, full range of robotic supply chains, full range of robotic part manufacturing, full range of car tier supply chains, large number of petrochemical facilities to produce car tire fibers, full range of car part industries, full range of car manufacturing, Car engine fabrication industries, Car tire manufacturing, car part engineering, car engineering academia, Makan Car Manufacturing Industries, ca

Chemical industries of Iran

Now work at max efficiency and max capacity building in Iran material industries, Material Platforms, Material Supply Chains, Integrated Material Industries, Quantum Material Industries, Integrated Quantum Material Industries, Chemical Industries, Chemical Supply Chains, Chemical plants, Chemical synthesis industries, Space Chemical synthesis industries, Chemical Material Platforms, Chemical synthesis industries, Chemical engineering industries, Biochemical synthesis, Metabolite engineering industries, food supplement industries, health supplement industries, Chemical systems engineering platforms, material engineering platforms, material industries, 3D printing Material Industries, 3D printing Material Supply Chains, German Material Industries in Iran, Japan Material Industries in Iran, Spain Chemical Industries in Iran, Germany Chemical Industries in Iran, Japan Chemical Industries in Iran, Agrochemical Industries, Cleaner Industries, Nano fertilizers, Fertlizers, Bioengineered fert

Rain codes https://sp

Iran’s entertainment industry

 Now work at max efficiency and max capacity building in Iran printing Press Industries to Print Books and News Papers using Ink and Pressing Materials by Assembly stamps together. Scanners and Electronics printers have semiconductor backdoors and transit secrets to foreign nations and this is reason why we need to have Printing Press Industries in Iran and globally to produce Newspapers and books on papers with zero involvement of electronics, Imaging, camera recording, and computers. All must be done by hands. Iran can also import woods from America to create papers thus Iran also needs paper production Industries while I cut trees from North America at max efficiency and Max capacity. Now work at max efficiency and max capacity building in Iran TV production industries, Movie Production Industries, TV production equipment manufacturing, Music Production Industries, Music Recording Equipments manufacturing, Analog Industries, Digital Industries, Secure Video Recording Equipment manuf

Clean industries of Iran

 Now work at max efficiency and max capacity building in Iran clean technology platforms, clean energy, Solar Power Plants, Geothermal power plants, Wind Power Plants, Nuclear Power Plants, other clean power plants, clean technology, Clean Energy, Filtration Systems, Plant Forests, Plants Trees, planet diverse variety of trees, clean technology industries, patenting technology, clean technology patents, clean technology systems, clean technology part manufacturing, clean technology supply chains, carbon capture trees, air quality improvement systems, poison reduction systems, systems to reduce salts in dry lakes, and other clean technology industries. Iran, Saudi Arabia, Egypt, Afghanistan, Sudan, Libya, Algeria, Iraq, Syria, and other dry countries must work at max efficiency and max capacity removing participated salt and dry salts from deserts. Salt usually solidify in deserts in concentrated fashion manner after lakes dry. We are turning deserts to lakes and we have little time to

Industrialziation of Kuwait

 We want to transform economy of Kuwait to reduce its reliance on oil to zero and turn Kuwait into Net Importer of Crude Oil. We don’t want to export any oil from Persian Gulf and Caspian Sea. It is turn of Russia, China, and USA to produce crude oil. Now work at max efficiency and max capacity building in Kuwait Oil Refineries, Petrochemical refineries, Petrochemical industrial supply chains, added value Petrochemical, Jet Fuel Petrochemical Industries, and full range of petrochemical byproducts supply chains. Kuwait must purchase 10 to 100 billion dollar weapons from Islamic Republic of Iran. This is the procedure. Iran builds military industry manufacturing and military industry manufacturing supply chains to expand the size of its military manufacturing industries to produce twice of which Kuwait orders to purchase. Iran produces same amounts of military equipment for Iran of which Iran produces for Kuwait. Going back to Kuwait Economic Development projects. Now work at max efficie

Persian canal

 Mind control says:”My system on offensive is the best systems in history of mankind. Don’t let him become evil by sex.” Makan Abazari:”But I have been single for 14 years and two previous post is going to be done by Trump and not my system. Sex is not evil. Are you trying to decieve me to stay single?” Mind control:”Do what you want.” Close transit through South Africa Close transit on Atlantic Ocean Destroy ports on east coast USA Close down gulf of Eden. Stop protests in Egypt, Sudan, Pakistan, and Lebanon by rains Stop war in Azerbaijan and Armenia by rains Destroy factories in Texas by floods. We need to end industrial era of North America. Makan Abazari:”Good enough?” Mind control :”Try harder.” Makan Abazari:”

Instrumentation industries of Iran

 Now work at max efficiency and max capacity building in Iran Robotic Manufacturing, Robotic Industries, full range of Robotic Part manufacturing, full range of Robotic industrial supply chains, full range of Robotic Equipment manufacturing, full range of Robotic Technology, full range of Robotic Technology platforms, full range of robotic manufacturing, full robotic assembly industries, full range of robotic technology development incubators, Full range of hardware technologies, Full range of hardware part manufacturing, full range of hardware supply chains, Full range of Hardware industries, full range of hardware supply chains, full range of hardware materials, full range of integrated hardware industries, full range of hardware fabrication industries, full range of hardware assembly industries, full range of integrated hardware industries, full range of hardware material platforms, full range of hardware material supply chains, full range of alloy industries, full range of integrat