کمیته امداد امام خمینی

Now Iran must hire all of the people currently and previously under coverage of Imam Khomeini Aid Program. The salary is very low in Iran and they could easily be hired. Then Iran must employ them working in factories, manufacturing sectors, industries, farming, service sector, and commercial industries. Iran must also give them construction machinery and heavy machinery to build roads, metropolitans, factories, industries, bridges, roads, rail roads, ports, and air ports. This way we can expand the size of Iran’s infrastructures and industrial capacity at low cost. It is better than giving them free aid and subsidies. If they are employed by Government of Iran they can work in Profitable industries and sectors to produce wealth for Government of Iran. They will become profitable for Iran and it will reduce the cost to government of Iran. Now work at max efficiency and max capacity building in Iran factories, manufacturing, industries, industrial systems, part manufacturing, full range of industrial supply chains, finished industrial products, support industries, know ledge base industries, lucrative industries, profitable industries, and commercialized modern tech in Iran by employing people under coverage of Commite Emdad Imam Khomeini. 
Now work at max efficiency and max capacity building in Iran village, small town, and town economies, factories, industrial systems, and manufacturing systems complexes. This system will employ locals in small towns and villages in these industrial systems complexes. It will reduce the immigrations to large cities.
What about poor people in large cities?
Create industrial systems complexes, manufacturing hubs, industrial parks, technology application facilities, high end manufacturing, advanced manufacturing, robotic industries, semiconductor industries, semiconductor part manufacturing facilities, and other hardware high tech sectors in suburban areas around large cities in Iran to employ poor people.
What do you do about sanctions?
Work at max efficiency and max capacity creating full range and complete industrial supply chains in Iran domestically. It will end dependency on other actors for import of supplies and parts. It will reduce exit of foreign currency from Iran. Iran will become fully independence in global industrial systems. Iran shall emerge as global technological and industrial super power. Also Joe Biden will lift the sanctions on Iran.

Now work at max efficiency and max capacity building in Iran Industrial facilities, technology transfer centers, reverse engineering facilities,  technology translation centers, technological centers, systems of technological projects, on the job training centers for advanced tech jobs, hardware technology sectors, modern tech industries, commercialized nanotech industries, bio pharmaceutical industries, chemical industries, biotech industries, superconductor industries, semiconductor industries, electronic industries, aviation industries, air plane manufacturing, precession engineering industries, custom fabrication workshops, fabrication work shops, fabrication industries, machinery industries, machinery manufacturing, machinery industrial systems, electric industries, electric industrial systems, electric equipment manufacturing, electric part manufacturing, electromechanical industries, thermal kinetic engineering industries, equipment manufacturing, part manufacturing, electronics industries, electronics industrial supply chains, electronics assembly lines, electronic compound manufacturing, semiconductor industrial supply chains, material production industries, plastics industries, fiber glass industries, full range of petrochemical industrial supply chains, full range of alloy industrial supply chains, full range of machinery industries, laser industries, 3D printing industries, Hydraulic industries, Hydraulic equipment production industries, mega corporations, nuclear cycles, nano concrete productions, construction machinery  manufacturing, Manufacturing machinery production industries, industrial machinery production facilities, fabrication industries, ship yards, ship manufacturing, ship part manufacturing, car manufacturing, car part manufacturing, robotic car manufacturing, robotic ship manufacturing, robotic air plane manufacturing, robotic truck manufacturing, engine manufacturing, large scale engine manufacturing, large scale heavy engine manufacturing, large scale heavy duty engine manufacturing, tractor manufacturing, Jet engine manufacturing, Submarine manufacturing, and their industrial supply chains.
Now work at max efficiency and max capacity building profitable industries, lucrative businesses, strategic industries, profitable exports, strategic sectors, high tech hardware industries, commercialized nano tech industries, commercialized tech industries, commercialized sciences, commercialized engineering, profitable food products for exports, machinery industries, machinery industrial systems, industrial systems, part manufacturing, profitable part manufacturing, part engineering industries, supply manufacturing, supply engineering, and other such industries in Iran under ownership of Committee Emdad Imam Khomeini کمیته امداد امام خمینی. 
Iran must build, control, own, design, and operate all mind control infrastructure, mind control equipment, mind control facilities, mind control softwares, mind control systems, mind control computers, mind control bases, mind control facilities, and mind control command centers.
Makan Abazari Shahan Shah Iran,



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