Antate and Atlantis

Now work at max efficiency and max capacity building in Saudi Arabia Atlantis Technologies, Atlantis Metropolitans, Atlantis Cities, Atlantis Technology, Atlantis Industries, Atlantis Industrial Supply chains, Atlantis Manufacturing, Atlantis Intermediate products industries, Atlantis technology sectors, Atlantis Industrial equipment Manufacturing, Atlantis Societies, Atlantis Culture, Atlantis Civilization, Atlantis capabilities, Atlantis Facilities, Atlantis Navy, Atlantis Ships, and Atlantis Infrastructures. Atlantis is one of most advanced technological, industrial, cultural, civilizational system in the history of the world and it was located in Saudi Arabia. Now we are going to add some extra to Atlantis to make it compatible with the rest of the world. Now work at max efficiency and at max capacity building in Saudi Arabia, Egypt, and Sudan ports, Naval Military Ports, Ship building Industries, Ship part manufacturing, Precession Engineering, Ship Yards, Ship equipment manufacturing, Ship building Industrial supply chains, Carriers, Naval Military forces, Naval Ships, Destroyers, Deep Sea Submarines, Machinery Manufacturing industries, Manufacturing sectors, Machinery part manufacturing, Machinery industrial systems, full range of Alloy Industries, full range of Alloy industrial supply chains, full range of petrochemical refineries, full range petrochemical industrial supply chains and subsequent industries, full range range of plastic industries, fiberglass industries, fiberglass industrial supply chains, semiconductor industries, semiconductor industrial supply chains, electronics industries, electronics industrial supply chains, home appliance industries, home appliance industrial supply chains, high tech industries, high tech industrial supply chains, nanotech industries, commercialized nanotech industries, biotech industries, pharmaceutical industries, chemical industries, chemical supply chains, agrochemicals, cleaners, biopharmaceutical industries, car manufacturing, car part manufacturing, car industrial supply chains, truck manufacturing, truck industrial supply chains, engine manufacturing, engine industrial supply chains, heavy engine industries, heavy engine industrial supply chains, Jet Engine Manufacturing, Jet Engine Industrial supply chains, Air Plane Manufacturing, Air Plane industrial supply chains, Air Plane Manufacturing, Electric Industrial Complexes, Electric Industrial Supply chains, Electric Part manufacturing, Electric equipment manufacturing, Electric technology development Industrial systems, Medical equipment manufacturing, Medical product production industries, Medical engineering facilities, Electromechanical Industrial Systems, superconductor trains, superconductor metro, computer manufacturing, Computer part manufacturing, industrial computer manufacturing, industrial computer industrial supply chains, computer part manufacturing, computer industrial supply chains and their support Industries while ensuring dependency on Iran's part manufacturing and Industrial systems. Makan Abazari Shahan Shah Iran, Imam Makan Abazari, #Iran #Saudi #Arabia #Egypt #Sudan
Now work at max efficiency and at max capacity building in Murchehkhort Isfahan Iran earthquake resistant, natural disaster resistant, and nuclear blast resistant Metropolitan out of the location of the lake. Because it will become lake in there if we succeed in our plan of getting me back to Iran.
Now work at max efficiency and max capacity building in MurchehKhort Machinery Industrial Systems, Electrical Industrial Systems, Supercomputer City, Electrical Industrial Complex, Robotic Manufacturing Industries, Computer Manufacturing Industries, Electronic manufacturing industries, electronics assembly machineries, semiconductor assembly industries, Robotic Manufacturing industries, Air and Space Industries, Trillium Nuclear Reactors, 3D printing industrial systems, advanced tech, high end manufacturing, superconductor computer city, and nonconcrete metropolitan city.
Building black holes and such industries are illegal in Iran. Black holes and similar physical experiments are totally illegal in Iran. They can only be made out of solar systems. I have been telling you repeatedly for so long we are building space ship to leave kuiper belt to test the black hole out of solar system. If you want to make a black hole go and test it under USA continent or in pacific ocean. If you want to continue the testing black holes you must try leaving solar system.
Anyway, you are allowed to build ten thousand nuclear warheads. But just don't test them under my houses and properties. Go test them in Pacific Ocean. I have activated Volcanos and created Islands in Pacific Ocean where you can test atomic bombs. Don't test hydrogen bombs in Iran. Never test hydrogen bombs in Iran.
Now work at max efficiency and at max capacity building in Murchekhurd Machinery manufacturing, Electric manufacturing, precession engineering industries, Air and Space Industries, Plastic Industries, Semiconductor industrial supply chains, Semiconductor assembly industries, semiconductor industries, computer manufacturing, superconductor computer manufacturing industries, applied superconductor industries, Jet fuel refineries, Petrochemical refineries used in local industries, alloy industries used in local industries, advanced aluminum industries, telecommunication equipment manufacturing, semiconductor backdoor engineering and manufacturing, Superconductor air plane manufacturing, Stealth Jet and Plane manufacturing, Boshghab Parandeh Manufacturing, Ceramic Air Craft Manufacturing, Chini Air Plane Manufacturing, Plastic Air Plane Manufacturing, Rough surface stealth jets, Fogging stealth jets, Superconductor air plane manufacturing, jet engine manufacturing,
Missile manufacturing for advanced avionics practices, Passenger Plane Manufacturing, Cargo Plane Manufacturing, Swarm Drone Manufacturing, Swarm combat Drone manufacturing, superconductor trains, superconductor metro, applied superconductor industries, applied superconductor practices, commercialized nanotech industries, strategic nanotech industries, strategic Biotech production facilities, material production industries for local industrial practices, 3d printing industries, 3d printing material supply chains, and Fabrication industrial system.
Makan Abazari Shahan Shah Iran, #Iran
Grandson of Hassan Abazari,
Now work at max efficiency and max capacity building antate industries, antate technologies, antate industrial disciplines, antate societies, antate industrial systems complexes and cores, antate cities and other antate things in Murchekhurd Natanz Iran.
Sorry I don't understand antate systems well.
Antate is not ants. It is systems of advanced technologies and industries of old times no longer available.
America:"Come on build another Manhattan in Memory of Amoo Hassan Abazari. Antate is too good."
Makan:"Yes there is Moorche Khurd Castle in Antate and there is Ghaleh Hassan Khan near Mehrabad Air Port in Tehran. They are both in Memory of my Grand father Hassan. So we go with antate systems. We also build a Manhattan on Bandar Abbas,"
Now work at max efficiency and max capacity building in Murchekhurd Iran techniques, Poly Techniques, Applied Techniques, and Applied Poly Techniques Industrial systems.
Now work at max efficiency and max capacity building in Murchekhurd Iran Robotic Robot Manufacturing, Robot Part Manufacturing, Robotic supply chains, and applied robotic industries.
Now work at max efficiency and max capacity building Murchekhurd Iran Semiconductor industrial supply chains, Semiconductor industries, UFO, UFO industrial supply chains, Ceramic Air Crafts, Ceramic Air Crafts Industries, Melamine Aircrafts, Melamine Air crafts industrial supply chains, Stealth Jets manufacturing, Stealth Jets Industrial supply chains, Jet engine manufacturing, Jet Engine Industrial Supply chains, Avionics Industries, Avionics Industrial supply chains, Rough Surface stealth Jet industrial supply chains, Air Plane Computer Manufacturing, Air Plane computer industrial supply chains, and other dependent industries.
Now work at max efficiency and max capacity building in Moorche Khurd Isfahan Computer manufacturing, computer part manufacturing, computer compound manufacturing, computer assembly industries, computer industrial computers, Supercomputer system of mega Computers, onboard computers, motherboards computers, combined computation multi computer systems, quantum encryption computer manufacturing, quantum computer manufacturing. Superconductor computers, Nanoelectronics, Picoelectronics, Microelectronics, angestromelectronics, Nano robotics, remotely controlled nano robots, Macro electronic computers, industrial computer manufacturing, nuclear computers, nuclear reactor computers, electronics industries, semiconductor industrial supply chains, semiconductor manufacturing, cell phones manufacturing, tablet manufacturing, smart phone manufacturing, home appliance manufacturing, Home appliance industrial supply chains, efficient industrial practices.
Now work at max efficiency and at max capacity building in Murche Khurd Iran Machinery manufacturing, Advanced machinery manufacturing, electromechanical industries, machinery fabrication, machinery fabrication industries, machinery part manufacturing, custom fabrication workshops, custom machinery fabrications, precession engineering industries, laser industries, laser fabrications, neutron industries, Nuclear rod, nuclear fuels, and nuclear battery production facilities.
Now work at max efficiency and at max capacity building in moorche khurd Satellite industries, satellite manufacturing, satellite industrial supply chains, robotic satellite assembly, Launch Vehicles, Multi launch vehicles, Missile Technology, Shahab Natanzi, Advanced missile technology, advanced rocket technology, Nuclear powered spaceships, Spaceships, Shuttles, Nuclear Powered Tanks, Nuclear powered Machineries, and Nuclear Powered Trucks.
Makan Abazari Shahan Shah Iran, #Iran #Antate #Murchekhurd #Isfahan #Natanz #Yazd Now make rain in deserts of Saudi Arabia, Sudan, and Iran turning deserts to marshes, lakes, and seas in safe manner. Make rains in deserts of Iran turning deserts to marshes, lakes, and seas in a safe manner without destroying cities, facilities, towns, and villages in path of rivers.
Now make rain in Natanz, Murchekhurd, Yazd, and Isfahan turning deserts to Marshes, lakes, and seas creating year round rivers. Seasonal rivers must become year round rivers without destroying towns, cities, facilities, and villages on the path of rivers.


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