
Showing posts from June, 2020

Antate and Atlantis

Now work at max efficiency and max capacity building in Saudi Arabia Atlantis Technologies, Atlantis Metropolitans, Atlantis Cities, Atlantis Technology, Atlantis Industries, Atlantis Industrial Supply chains, Atlantis Manufacturing, Atlantis Intermediate products industries, Atlantis technology sectors, Atlantis Industrial equipment Manufacturing, Atlantis Societies, Atlantis Culture, Atlantis Civilization, Atlantis capabilities, Atlantis Facilities, Atlantis Navy, Atlantis Ships, and Atlantis Infrastructures. Atlantis is one of most advanced technological, industrial, cultural, civilizational system in the history of the world and it was located in Saudi Arabia. Now we are going to add some extra to Atlantis to make it compatible with the rest of the world. Now work at max efficiency and at max capacity building in Saudi Arabia, Egypt, and Sudan ports, Naval Military Ports, Ship building Industries, Ship part manufacturing, Precession Engineering, Ship Yards, Ship equipment manufactu

Industrialization of Murchekhurd

Now work at max efficiency and at max capacity building in Murchehkhort Isfahan Iran earthquake resistant, natural disaster resistant, and nuclear blast resistant Metropolitan out of the location of the lake. Because it will become lake in there if we succeed in our plan of getting me back to Iran. Now work at max efficiency and max capacity building in MurchehKhort Machinery Industrial Systems, Electrical Industrial Systems, Supercomputer City, Electrical Industrial Complex, Robotic Manufacturing Industries, Computer Manufacturing Industries, Electronic manufacturing industries, electronics assembly machineries, semiconductor assembly industries, Robotic Manufacturing industries, Air and Space Industries, Trillium Nuclear Reactors, 3D printing industrial systems, advanced tech, high end manufacturing, superconductor computer city, and nonconcrete metropolitan city. Building black holes and such industries are illegal in Iran. Black holes and similar physical experiments are totally il

Industrialization of Yemen

Now work at max efficiency and max capacity building infrastructures in Yemen. Now work at max efficiency and max capacity repairing roads, bridges, ports, rail roads, and other transit infrastructures in Yemen. Now work at max efficiency and max capacity building in Yemen building military ports, cargo ports, fishing ports, pirate ship ports, and other types of ports. Now work at max efficiency and max capacity building a rail road from Yemen to Saudi Arabia and from Saudi Arabia to Iran. Now work at max efficiency and max capacity building clean water systems, water purifiers, water tankers, bridges, civic infrastructure, and other necessary infrastructures in Yemen. Now work at max efficiency and max capacity building roads enabling aid to reach remote regions of Yemen. #Yemen Makan Abazari Shahan Shah Iran, Now send food aid to Yemen and Syria. Now work at max efficiency and max capacity building in Yemen, Syria, and Iran electric indust

کمیته امداد امام خمینی

Now Iran must hire all of the people currently and previously under coverage of Imam Khomeini Aid Program. The salary is very low in Iran and they could easily be hired. Then Iran must employ them working in factories, manufacturing sectors, industries, farming, service sector, and commercial industries. Iran must also give them construction machinery and heavy machinery to build roads, metropolitans, factories, industries, bridges, roads, rail roads, ports, and air ports. This way we can expand the size of Iran’s infrastructures and industrial capacity at low cost. It is better than giving them free aid and subsidies. If they are employed by Government of Iran they can work in Profitable industries and sectors to produce wealth for Government of Iran. They will become profitable for Iran and it will reduce the cost to government of Iran. Now work at max efficiency and max capacity building in Iran factories, manufacturing, industries, industrial systems, part manufacturing, full range

New Industrial Projects for Iran

Now industrialize Iran at max efficiency and max capacity building Industrial Computers, Nuclear Reactor Computers, engineering computers, simulation computers, air plane engineering computers, personal computers, multiboard computers, superconductor computers, ants computers, quantum computers, nanoelectronics, picoelectronics, radiation computers, thetahertz computer, vibration computers, gravity computers, laptops, tablets, personal computers, secure cell phones, smart phones, and computer manufacturing supply chains. Now work at max efficiency and max capacity building full range of electronics, Computers, smartphones, semiconductor, and Superconductor industrial supply chains in Iran. Now use these industrial computers for Robotic, Robotic Manufacturing Industries, industries, manufacturing, and other industrial systems. The industrial systems must be possible to be shut down manually by levers and physical switches. Now work at max efficiency and max capacity building in Iran Me

Made in Iran

Now mind control Iranians to only purchase Iranian products. Iranians must purchase only made in Iran products and avoid purchase of foreign products. Iranians must be mind controlled to only purchase Iranian cell phones and Iranian tablets. Iranians must only buy made in Iran electronics and semiconductors if available. People of Europe, China, Russia, America, India, and South America must be mind controlled to want to purchase made in Iran products. Financial Systems, banks, transaction systems, money transfer systems, trade systems, and other means of making financial transactions must be mind controlled to do activities in Iran making their system available to Iranians. Now make all banking, financial, money transfer, and other routes of transferring money available to Iran and Iranians. Mid control financial systems and banks to seek to achieve it. Now mind control semiconductor industries, electronic industries, high tech industries, electric car industries, robotic manufacturin