America is enemy of earth

America has been seeking to destroy Sociocultural life of people of Spain by Catalan Independence bid. America started Catalan independence bid using architects in News Papers, Media, and Social Media. America mind controlled then and created Catalan independence bid and movement. America uses mind control extensively to create social upheavals and social difficulties for different countries. America engineered events leading to Catalan independence seeking to separate Catalan from Spain. It was a design to take away control of strategic border regions from Madrid government. It was a dangerous designs that would have led to fall of the world in an event of another world war. Since Spain controls region around Gibraltar Rock to the South but not the rock. It means of spain does not control North East of Spain which has secure defensive position spain can be easily invaded. So America created Catalan independence project to defeat Spain in next world war with ease.
Now America also had created Basque separatist groups in the past to separate another strategic but mountainous region of Spain from Spain further endangering security of Gibraltar. America has been repeatedly plotting against sovereignty of Spain. It has negatively influenced society of Spain, Culture of Spain, and the way of life of people of spain. I have also influenced the election in Spain in 2016 changing outcome of election ensuring Unionists win the election in Spain. Later it prevented division of Spain and independence of Catalan. Then I made sure Rajoy and Parliament of Spain don’t allow independence of Catalan. It was to ensure long term security of Spain and World security I prevented division of Spain. But America punished Spain by protests. But I confronted it by counter protests. Anyway, I mass mind control quarter of population of the earth indirectly and I have been single for 14 years. I am writing this to anger USA and have USA to kill mind controllers who prevented me from having girl friends. So America destroyed the life in Spain by protests, economic difficulties, independence bids, and terrorist activities such as Basque. America also created IRA of Northern Ireland which was another terror organization created by USA.
On other part of America’s plot about Spain I must say austerities which have strikes Europe for decades are effects of America’s policies to weaken South European Nations such as Greece, Italy, Spain, and Southern Ireland.
Estados Unidos ha estado tratando de destruir la vida sociocultural de los hombres de España por la candidatura de la Independencia de Cataluña. Estados Unidos comenzó la oferta de independencia catalana usando arquitectos en News Papers, Media y Social Media. La mente de Estados Unidos controló entonces y creó la oferta y el movimiento independentista catalán. Estados Unidos utiliza ampliamente el control mental para crear trastornos sociales y dificultades sociales para diferentes países. Estados Unidos diseñó eventos que condujieron a la independencia catalana que buscaban separar el catalán de España. Fue un diseño para quitar el control de las regiones fronterizas estratégicas del gobierno de Madrid. Era un diseño peligroso que habría llevado a la caída del mundo en un evento de otra guerra mundial. Desde España controla la región alrededor del Peñón de Gibraltar hacia el Sur, pero no la roca. Es decir, España no controla el noreste de España que tiene una posición defensiva segura españa puede ser fácilmente invadida. Así que Estados Unidos creó el proyecto de independencia catalán para derrotar a España en la próxima guerra mundial con facilidad.
Ahora Estados Unidos también había creado grupos separatistas vascos en el pasado para separar otra región estratégica pero montañosa de España de España, lo que puso aún más en peligro la seguridad de Gibraltar. Estados Unidos ha estado conspirando repetidamente contra la soberanía de España. Ha influido negativamente en la sociedad de España, la cultura de España y el modo de vida de las personas de España. También he influido en las elecciones en España en 2016 cambiando el resultado de las elecciones asegurando a los unionistas ganar las elecciones en España. Más tarde impidió la división de España y la independencia del catalán. Entonces me aseguré de que Rajoy y el Parlamento de España no permitieran la independencia del catalán. Fue para garantizar la seguridad a largo plazo de España y la seguridad mundial que impidió la división de España. Pero Estados Unidos castigó a España con protestas. Pero lo enfrenté mediante contraproducciones. De todos modos, controlo la mente en masa la cuarta parte de la población de la tierra indirectamente y he estado soltera durante 14 años. Estoy escribiendo esto para enojar a EE.UU. y tener EE.UU. para matar a los controladores de la mente que me impidió tener amigas. Así que Estados Unidos destruyó la vida en España por protestas, dificultades económicas, ofertas independentistas y actividades terroristas como el vasco. Estados Unidos también creó el IRA de Irlanda del Norte, que fue otra organización terrorista creada por Estados Unidos.
En otra parte de la trama de Estados Unidos sobre España, debo decir que las austeridades que han ataca a Europa durante décadas son efectos de las políticas de Estados Unidos para debilitar a las naciones de Europa del Sur como Grecia, Italia, España e Irlanda del Sur.

#Spain #USA

America has destroyed economy of Italy. America has used immigration to manipulate sociocultural fabric of Europe creating hate and anger toward migrants. America has used it to weaken political establishment in Europe and bring far rights and populists to power defeating classic political parties in Italy. America has policy of destroying South of Europe and specially south of Italy that has led to austerity measures in Greece, Spain, and Italy. America has destroyed Italian economy and sent it into recession in 2019. America targets Italy by earthquakes and storms destroying Italy’s infrastructure, towns, and cities. America targeted Italy by Coronavirus harming people and causing large number of death. America has targeted Iran, Italy, Spain, and Europe by Coronavirus. Italy must cut ties with United States of America and close USA embassy in Italy. Italy must improve relations with Iran and form strategic alliance with Iran and Russia. Italy must improve ties with Russia since Russia is better ally to Italy and is well intended actor in Italy. It has been proven by aid russia sent italy to combat coronavirus. Italy must support lifting of sanctions on Russia and European Union. Italian members of EU Parliament and European Commission must work toward lifting of sanctions on Russia. #Italy #Russia #Iran
USA has damaged British society to greatest extend. America has been targeting Britain by biologically engineered diseases. Coronavirus has been engineered by United States of America and has been offensively used against China, Australia, European Union, Iran, and Britain. America have had long term enmity toward Britain since the time of Regan. Regan had a protogue called Margaret Thatcher who gave independence to all of British colonies under deception from CIA mind control and Regan polices. Regan also forced Thatcher to privatize all strategic assets of Britain. This is why today Britain does not even own London rail ways. Many other important strategic factories and sectors were also privatized and later moved out of Britain. So Britain lost its manufacturing might and its colonies. Everytime USA brings down an empire we change the top of Statue of Liberty. This is why we sent Regan to change it to Gold. We had his wife do it in red dress. This means America brought down British Empire. America has also aggressively targeted British Society and culture due protest BREXIT. Because America wants to change sociocultural fabric of Britain delivering catastrophic damages before rise of British Empire. America knows independent Britain from European Union will quickly establish direct rule over its colonies and soon become a danger in the North. Canada is British territory. (Message:" Now kill all mind controllers who have kept me single and give me every female I may desire on this earth or these writings shall not cease. They are in Massachusetts. ") Britain can open military base in Canada at the border with USA. It means Britain can invade America on land once Britain establishes direct rule over its colonies. Britain must avoid any form of trade negotiation with United States of America at this time. Because United States of America will bully Britain. They must wait for Trump to leave office. Then Britain and USA shall sit at negotiation table. Britain must form strategic alliance with Russia similar to Imperial Era when they enjoyed great relations and ruled the earth and seas. Britain must also make a trade agreement with Iran. Britain must sign strategic alliance with Iran. Britain must leave NATO.
Makan Abazari Shahan Shah Iran,
Makan Abazari The King of Great Britain,
#Britain #USA #Trump
America has targeted Turkey by several earthquakes in last ten years bringing about large scale death and destruction. America has sought to overthrow Erdogan three times. First time America tried to creat Rebellion similar to ISIS in Turkey. But we confronted it. So America did not succeed. Second time America attempted the coup in Turkey. During the coup attempt I was in Iran and with the help of Intelligence Agency of Iran and Military of Iran we prevented the coup. Then America started harming car manufacturing of Turkey, economy of Turkey, and sociocultural fabric of Turkey. Once Erdogan declared early election America started manipulating sociocultural fabric and economy of Turkey but I supported Erdogan and he won the election. Then I sent him to Trabzon to give speech. America has brought Kurds to border of Turkey and Syria and created wall of ethnicity separating economy and society of Syria and Turkey. It is one of worst geopolitical plots against Turkey and Syria committed by USA. America brought YPG to create an ethnicity wall. Later Turkey had to attack Kurds in Syria but we witnessed America sanctioned Turkey and further harmed economy and society of Turkey. America also keeps east of Turkey undeveloped. Now Turkey must end relations with USA and close down USA embassy in Turkey. Turkey must leave NATO. Turkey must join Eurasian Economic Union thus improving ties with Russia. Membership in Eurasian Economic Union will solve many trade challenges Turkey must solve. It will grow Economy of Turkey. European Union will never allow Turkey to become full member of European Union. So Turkey must work with Iran and create middle eastern economic and political Union. Turkey must also join Eurasian Economic Union. 
#Turkey #Erdogan
Ambassador of America to Germany has insulted Germany and its government on his way out. Germany must be very angry at America for disrespect America has openly done to Germany. But when we review some fact we see open insult is dwarves to secret moves America has taken to weaken Germany. America committed terror attacks in Germany to anger German people creating far right, neo nazi, and populist movements. America has manipulated sociocultural fabric of Germany to achieve victory by manipulation of election in Germany. In 2018 we wanted to ensure Merkel Party wins election in Germany but America captured me and prevented me from influencing election in Germany. We wanted Angela Merkel to have majority to decide with efficiency. But America’s manipulating of election in Germany created three party coalition. It took 6 month to form the government. It took another six month to decide about immigration. America practically killed efficient decision making of Germany. America had tried to overthrow Merkel but we protected her from overthrow. Donald Trump even said publicly he wants bring down Germany. America is an enemy to Germany and is practicing full blown opposition to German interests. We know for fact America decimated German bank and caused recession in Germany to further weaken Germany during this troubled times. America has been also pressuring Germany to pay more into NATO budget. Germany must cut ties with United States of America. Germany must close USA Embassy in Germany. Germany must forge alliance with Russia. Germany must sign strategic alliance with Iran. Germany must support lifting of sanctions on Russia in European Commission and European Parliament. Germany must sign trade deal with Iran. Germany must end USA occupation of Germany. Germany must leave NATO. Germany must work toward independence of PESCO the European Military. #Germany #Russia #USA
Makan Abazari Shahan Shah Iran,
Der amerikanische Botschafter in Deutschland hat Deutschland und seine Regierung auf dem Weg nach draußen beleidigt. Deutschland muss sehr wütend auf Amerika sein, weil es Deutschland offen gegenüber Deutschland missachtet hat. Aber wenn wir eine Tatsache überprüfen, sehen wir, dass offene Beleidigungen Zwerge für geheime Schritte sind, die Amerika unternommen hat, um Deutschland zu schwächen. Amerika verübte Terroranschläge in Deutschland, um das deutsche Volk zu verärgern und rechtsextreme, neonazistische und populistische Bewegungen zu schaffen. Amerika hat das soziokulturelle Gefüge Deutschlands manipuliert, um durch Manipulation der Wahlen in Deutschland den Sieg zu erringen. 2018 wollten wir sicherstellen, dass die Merkel-Partei die Wahlen in Deutschland gewinnt, aber Amerika hat mich gefangen genommen und mich daran gehindert, die Wahlen in Deutschland zu beeinflussen. Wir wollten, dass Angela Merkel die Mehrheit hat, um effizient zu entscheiden. Aber Amerikas manipulierende Wahlen in Deutschland schufen eine Dreiparteienkoalition. Die Regierungsbildung dauerte 6 Monate. Die Entscheidung über die Einwanderung dauerte weitere sechs Monate. Amerika hat praktisch die effiziente Entscheidungsfindung in Deutschland getötet. Amerika hatte versucht, Merkel zu stürzen, aber wir haben sie vor dem Sturz geschützt. Donald Trump sagte sogar öffentlich, er wolle Deutschland stürzen. Amerika ist ein Feind Deutschlands und übt einen ausgewachsenen Widerstand gegen deutsche Interessen aus. Wir wissen, dass Amerika die deutsche Bank dezimiert und die Rezession in Deutschland verursacht hat, um Deutschland in diesen schwierigen Zeiten weiter zu schwächen. Amerika hat auch Deutschland unter Druck gesetzt, mehr in den NATO-Haushalt zu zahlen. Deutschland muss die Beziehungen zu den Vereinigten Staaten von Amerika abbrechen. Deutschland muss die US-Botschaft in Deutschland schließen. Deutschland muss ein Bündnis mit Russland schließen. Deutschland muss ein strategisches Bündnis mit dem Iran unterzeichnen. Deutschland muss die Aufhebung der Sanktionen gegen Russland in der Europäischen Kommission und im Europäischen Parlament unterstützen. Deutschland muss Handelsabkommen mit dem Iran unterzeichnen. Deutschland muss die Besetzung Deutschlands durch die USA beenden. Deutschland muss die NATO verlassen. Deutschland muss auf die Unabhängigkeit von PESCO, dem europäischen Militär, hinarbeiten. #Deutschland #Russland #USA

America has been manipulating and mind controlling European Societies. America has created far right, populists, and Neo Nazi groups by using mind control. America did terror activities in Europe by mind controlling migrants. Then America used the event and mass mind controlled Europeans to support populists, far right, and neo nazi political groups. This led to break down of sociocultural fabric of europe. It also brought into power far right, neo nazi, and populists parties. It reason why Germany, France, Britain, and other european countries must ties with United States of America. European Union must improve ties with Russia. #EU #European #Union #Germany #France #Britain

America is manipulating the thought of Indian People making them want to kill each other and have enmity toward Muslims. America has been orchestrating Genocide of Muslims in Myanmar and India. America has orchestrated Genocide of twenty Million Muslims in Myanmar. America has been also engineering same process in India. It must be confronted at all costs. We cannot allow Muslims of India and Pakistan to be killed. America has been implanting hatred and enmity between Muslims and Hindus for decades and centuries. America has created sociocultural system of enmities between different Indian Religions and Indian sects. America has been also hitting India by weather warfare causing droughts, storms, and other negative weather effects to give Misery to Indians and People of Bangladesh. America repeatedly destroys economic projects of India and resets their advancements. America has deep rooted enmity toward people and culture of India. America sees India to be strategic threat to America’s interests. India must not allow opening of USA military bases in India and in Indian Ocean. India must end all types of cooperations and military partnerships with USA. India must remember when America sanctioned India and banned all Nuclear cooperations with India for all actors. America has been enemy of India for decades and centuries. America has created deep rooted enmity between socioculturalethnicalreligious sectors of India for centuries to create civil war down the road and cause civic discord.
Makan Abazari Shahan Shah Iran,
#India #Iran #USA #Pakistan #Bangladesh

America and Britain must stop supporting Hong Kong protesters. America is causing full range of issues for China by tariffs, sanctions, and ban of sell of semiconductors. America is also arming Taiwan with advanced navy, Air Force, and tanks. America is going after China’s sovereignty by arming Taiwan. America is also seeking to give independence to Hong Kong. Similar to Dubai to Iran in which Dubai is now part of another country. America is seeking to divide China and give independence to Hong Kong. America has damaged food security of China by making trade agreement forcing China to purchase food from USA. America wants to cut sell of food to China at critical point in future and kill population of China by hunger. America has also targeted China by Coronavirus and caused large number of death in China. America has also placed ban on sell of semiconductors to ZTE and Huawei. America has been opposing technological rise of China since 2018. America’s deep state has been also sabotaging China’s OBOR project and Silk Road. America’s deep state has gone as far as seeking to bring opposition voices in power to stop infrastructures development by China. America’s deep state has been also plotting to ruin the relation of China with Iran and Africa. America’s federal government has been also targeting the technology sector of China with negative intend. China’s industrial supply chain is also destroyed by American tariffs.
What China must do?
China must annex Taiwan. China must go and annex Taiwan now and turn it into territory of China. Because if China delays now China will never be able to fully control Taiwan again.
What about Hong Kong?
China must end one nation two system and make it one Nation and one system. Meaning China must crush the oppositions and protesters. China must take full control of Hong Kong and end democratic system in Hong Kong.
Police state is fine?
It will suffice.
What about food security?
China must purchase food from Eastern and centeral regions of the earth such as Australia, South East Asia, East Africa, and Russia.
What about oxygen security of China?
Yes Oxygen also comes from South America. We must make sure we plant more jungles.
What about industrial supply chains?
China must place heavy tariffs on America’s air planes, industrial supply chains, industrial parts, industrial products, technology products, and other products such as finished industrial products and food. This way China will defeat USA in trade war.
What a about Politics?
China must close down USA embassy in China and end diplomatic relations.

America has been using mind control sabotages and manipulation to manipulate sociocultural life in South Africa, India, China, Russia, and Brazil.
America brought Credit Rating of South Africa to Junk Status. Then pressured South Africa until took President Zuma to court to impeach him. We had to sign on his impeachment to prevent fall of Zanobie political party and ensure survival of political apparatus. But we were not happy with political sabotages and sociocultural manipulation in South Africa.
America later orchestrated White Farmer Revolution in South Africa similar to White Revolution in Iran and Zimbabwe to destroy food production of South Africa. Then America started destroying last of food production in Southern Africa region by weather warfare. South Africa and BRICS must cut all diplomatic ties with United States of America.
South Africa, Mozambique,  and Zimbabwe are still Iranian colonies and territories.
America started pressuring Roussef and Da Silva in Brazil until USA took them to court and impeached Roussef in Brazil in 2016. Every nation received substantial gain by having Olympics but Brazil experienced great lost. America created very difficult economic situation and pressure on Brazil and its population to cause protests and Civil unrest leading to 2016 and 2018 events. America kept on the pressure and imprisoned President Da Silva in Brazil in 2018. USA caused mass shooting and insecurity in Brazil killing Brazilians to manipulate sociocultural algorithms of Brazil. America meddled in Brazil election and brought Bolsonaro defeating Hadad. America stole electronic, semiconductor industries, and Embraer of Brazil in the process. America is now stealing military industry technology of Brazil in 200.
Brazil must cut all ties with United States of America. Brazil must kick American diplomatic team out of Brazil and South America. Brazil must establish strategic alliance with Iran.
America has been manipulating Indian culture, religions, government, and sociocultural system by the help of Britain for centuries. America has caused deep enmity among Indian casts and caused a rift that can never be healed. America has caused population growth in India to be unmanageable. America has engineered genocide of Muslims in India and Myanmar. America took Modri to camp david and changed him with fake version. Then used fake Modri to take Kashmir region causing deep and long lasting problems for India.
India must cut all ties with America. India must kick America diplomatic team out of India. India must sign strategic alliance with Iran. Brazil and India must end all military cooperations with United States of America.
India and Brazil are territories and colonies of Iran.
USA had overthrown Soviet after taking Gorbachev to Camp David and changing him by fake version. Later we killed George Bush in 2018. America has caused fall of Soviet Union by sending fake Gorbachev to Soviet to bring about fall of Soviet. Later America has overthrown Ukraine and destroyed Ukraine by many plots. America has caused deep division between Russia and Ukraine. America engineered Civil war in Ukraine and Syria. America destroyed industrial supply chains of Ukraine, Russia, and previously Soviet. America separated Orthodox churches of Ukraine and Russia. 
Ukraine and Russia must cut all ties with United States of America. Russia and Iran must sign strategic alliance. 
Armenia, Georgia, Azerbaijan, Turkmenistan, Uzbekistan, and Tajikistan are Iranian territories.
America placed tariffs and sanctions on China destroying decades long hard work and progress of People of China. America destroyed the life as we know it in China. America destroyed many important industries and technological systems of China. America killed millions of people in China by Coronavirus. America destroys food production of China repeatedly taking away food security of China.
China must end all ties with United States of America.
We must have global pressure on USA and European union to lift sanctions on Russia and Iran.
BRICS Nations, Russia, China, Iran, and other major actors have demanded lifting of sanctions on Iran, Russia, Hezbollah, Venezuela, China, North Korea, Libya, Somalia, Yemen, and all other actors to make it possible to combat Pandemic and to prevent death caused by pandemic.
This is most important project by governments and systems of the governments of the world at this time. This is opportunity which must not be lost. We must ensure sanctions are lifted.
#Iran #Russia #China #BRICS

BRICS nations must create payment mechanism for trade with Iran. The payment mechanism must cover all types of trades and transactions. BRICS nations must stop use of dollar for trade among BRICS nations. BRICS nations must use Yuan of China, Rubble of Russia, or Rial of Iran for trade among BRICS Nations. BRICS nations must end relations with United States of America since America started trade wars with China, India, Brazil, South Africa, India, and Iran. America has also placed sanctions on BRICS nations and Iran. America has also sought to overthrow Brazil. America has overthrown Brazil and South Africa since 2016 by orchestrating courts. #South #Africa #India #Brazil #Iran #Russia #China #Trade #War #BRICS
Makan Abazari Shahan Shah Iran,
Russia is correct when Russia says at the era of Corona the sanctions on sanctioned country must be lifted. Countries such as Sudan, Iran, Russia, Venezuela, Libya, Syria, Zimbabwe, Cuba, North Korea, Somalia, and several other countries are sanctioned and their sanctions must be lifted. In the era of Corona we must lift all sanctions to protect nations from diseases. Many of these sanctions are no longer fit the time when government and policies in these countries has changed or is changing. Also America, European Union, China, Israel, and Japan are celebrating their historic defeat. This means we defeated them and their economies. It means we must lift the sanctions from sanctioned countries. We have defeated East and west industries and economies and we are moving the global industrial systems and supply chains to Iran, Russia, Iraq, Syria, Red Sea, middle east and several other sanctioned countries. This means you lift sanctions on these countries or European Union and U.S stay out of new global industrial supply chains and systems.
World Order,
Global Industrial Supply Chains,
Balance of Power,
Makan Abazari Shahan Shah Iran,
#Lift #Sanction

If America does not lift sanctions then all sanctioned countries must drop America economic superiorities. Meaning sanctioned countries must stop using USA dollar and instead use Yuan of China or Iranian Rial. We want to rally behind one currency to create a powerful currency against USA dollar.
We must also synchronize the global stock markets to Shanghai or Tehran Stock Market and stop synchronization to New York Stock Market.
We have also created China financial Capital which means dependency on USA Financial Market and Financial capital is reduced and sanctions on Financial transactions of different nations can be confronted. We must also create a financial market and financial capital in Iran.
This means Iran can also lend credit and collect interest by having 5 unit of currency and then lending 100 credit.
Iran must gain access to technological and industrial exclusivities and by Iran having exclusivities all sanctioned nations will have mean of accessing high tech products.
Iran, Middle East, and Red Sea must become major economies and major markets creating new location to export to and purchase high value tech products from Iran to trade. It means dependency on USA market will be reduced. It also means America cannot sanction actors from access to high tech exclusivities.
We must create global industrial chains between sanctioned countries while creating financial mechanisms to trade between them without use of American financial systems and dollar. Iran must create independence in its industrial system complexes and cores.
BRICS nations must create payment mechanism and banking system with Iran and other sanctioned Nations.
Iran must join BRICS.
Makan Abazari Shahan Shah Iran,
Balance of Power,


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