Economic Project of Afghanistan

Now work at max efficiency and max capacity turning Afghanistan to part of Iran by diplomatic works, political works, constitutional changes, geopolitical works, and other means ensuring Afghanistan becomes part of Iran permanently.
Now industrialize Afghanistan at max efficiency and max capacity building Machinery productions, machinery fabrication, cog fabrication, industrial productions, and other such industries. Then use these products building in afghanistan machinery industrial systems and productions.
Now work at max efficiency and max capacity in Afghanistan building smelters, metallurgy industries, mixed metals products, steel, aluminum, and other metal industries and dependent industries in Afghanistan.
Now work at max efficiency and max capacity in Afghanistan building cars, advanced manufacturing, and robotic manufacturing centers in Afghanistan.
Now work at max efficiency and max capacity in Afghanistan building intermediate product industries and part manufacturing industries and capabilities with high capacity for productions.
Now work at max capacity and max efficiency building academic centers in Afghanistan for technology translation, technology transfer, applied technologies, and applied industrial discipline productions in Afghanistan.
Now work at max efficiency and max capacity creating socio cultural algorithms in Afghanistan to increase population of Afghanistan by 20 million farsi speaking people.
Now work at max efficiency and max capacity building in Afghanistan food production centers, farms, and regions using max capacity and max efficiency farming and animal husbandry methods ensuring short term and long term food security.
Now work at max efficiency and max capacity in Afghanistan building secure metropolitans, cities, towns, and regions along with industrial parks, transit lines, roads, rail ways, and factories creating metropolitan, industrial, commercial, academic systems complexes.
Now create economic union between Iran, Afghanistan, Pakistan, Iraq, Syria, Lebanon, Jordan, Turkey, Turkmenistan, Uzbekistan, Tajikistan, Armenia, Azerbaijan, and Georgia.
Make sure there is not construction of any dame Afghanistan on path of rivers. All rivers must lead to Iran.
Now start building Metropolitans in Afghanistan secure from floods, earthquakes, and environmental changes with substantial amount of transit, manufacturing, industries, commercial centers, and factories within them.
Again ensure the construction all dames and reservoirs in Afghanistan are prevented so water leads to deserts of Iran.
Now industrialize Afghanistan at max efficiency and max capacity integrating industrial supply chains of Afghanistan into industrial supply chains of Iran while ensuring independence for Iran’s part manufacturing and Iran’s industrial systems.
Now repair my family owned rail way from Badrud Natanz Iran to Afghanistan and China. Now build industrial parks, manufacturing centers, advanced industries, and Max efficiency and max capacity food productions locations near the natanz-Afghanistan-China rail way to take advantage of efficient transit methods.
Now integrate industrial supply chains of Afghanistan into industrial supply chains of Pakistan while ensuring dependency on Iran’s part manufacturing.
Now build in Afghanistan assembly lines to assemble Iranian cars.
Now build in Afghanistan house hold good industries to produce house hold goods such as shampoo, Soup, and other such goods for export to China and India. Afghanistan must make ten billion dollar from export if house hold goods to China and India.
Now work at max efficiency and max capacity in Afghanistan and Iran building semiconductor industries, semiconductor assemblies, semiconductor manufacturing, electronic, cell phone industries, personal computers assembly, electronic assembly, home appliance assembly, and other such industries in Afghanistan and Iran.
Now work at max efficiency and max capacity in Afghanistan building chemical products industry making strategic and advanced chemicals only Japan, Germany, and USA can make in Afghanistan creating another provider for such chemicals on global market.
Now work at max efficiency and max capacity in Afghanistan and Iran creating medical engineering and scientific instrumentation products such as MRI and Electron Microscopy for internal use and export to global markets.
Now work at max efficiency and max capacity in Afghanistan building machinery, heavy duty, and Truck production factories and manufacturing building Trucks, Bulldozers, heavy engines, jet engines, and other such products.
Now work at max efficiency and max capacity building industrial supply chains, intermediate products industries, wheels of industries, finished industrial products industry, machinery production workshops, and other high tech industries in Afghanistan.
Now sign peace agreement between different parties in Afghanistan and USA military. Now USA military leaves Afghanistan.
Now Iran Revolutionary Guards and Iran’s Military replace USA military in Afghanistan.
Now hire Iranian contractors, engineering firms, and industrialists to work on many of these projects in Afghanistan. Make sure Trump does not sanction any of these actors in Afghanistan.
Large number afghanis in Iran started to lie about Revolutionary Guards of Iran giving help to Taliban after I brought Revolutionary Guards of Iran into negotiation to make peace between Taliban and USA military. Such propaganda mechanism against Iran must stop. Afghanistan must accept military presence by Revolutionary Guards of Iran in Afghanistan by open arms.
Now change socio cultural algorithms of Afghanistan so Taliban stops fighting and starts working on reconstruction of Afghanistan. So the terrorist activities in Afghanistan ends and Talibans are employed to rebuild afghanistan to be part of جهاد سازندگی افقانستان. This way Taliban no longer combats the government of Afghanistan, USA military, or Iran’s military replacing USA military. War in Afghanistan is over and we are rebuilding afghanistan. Afghanistan must become part of Iran. There are legal means to add Afghanistan to Iran by one signature. This method must lead to reunification of Iran and Afghanistan.
Afghanistan must be on its path to become part of Iran.
Now for those who argue sociocultural algorithms to remove Taliban cannot be changed I must say it can be changed in Middle East and Red Sea.
We have created layers of rebellion all around the world such as FARC rebels, Columbia Drug Mafia, Rebels in Jungles of Columbia and Brazil, and everywhere in the world to fight for interests of Islamic Republic of Iran and they must all be now under command and control of Revolutionary Guards of Iran.
We have also created Roussef, Dasilva, Emmanuel Macron, Nancy Pelosi, Merkel, and such other political systems all around the world to protect Islamic Republic of Iran after ascending to power in their given countries and they must all reunify under Islamic Republic of Iran.
Who are the other such systems?
Vietcong in Vietnam, North Korea, President Moon of South Korea, Duturte of Philippines, Rebels in Indonesia and Philippines.
دوباره  حقیقت میرزا بزرگ خان جنگلی مطرح شد
So we must work on reunifying all the rebelions, mafias, and other forces around the world with Revolutionary Guards of Iran and place them under command and control of revolutionary guards of Iran.
We must work toward making Taliban of Afghanistan a Political Party in Afghanistan as well.
We must start independence of California from America and make it independence of California Republic to have California Republic to rejoin Islamic Republic of Iran.
We also have New England Revolution in Massachusetts meaning we must start a revolution in America.
Please don’t use Afghanis, Iranians, Italians, or Muslims for independence of American states because they usually get killed fast.
Ten thousand years old algorithms,
We changed our plans on building multilayered dames or so called hanging Paradise in Afghanistan. I was afraid to call it hanging garden since may have been hanged. Garden گردن meaning the hanging pardaise or multilayered dames and reservoirs from top of Himalayan Mountains in Afghanistan to Iran will further cause draught in Iran and Afghanistan. We must allow the water to reach deserts of Iran. stop building this hanging garden in Ethiopia, India, and Afghanistan.
End of hanging garden section
Now industrialize Afghanistan at Max Capacity and Max efficiency building industrial systems in Afghanistan dependent on Iran for their part manufacturing.
Now build in Afghanistan max efficiency and max capacity Robotic manufacturing producing cars, helicopters, and other vehicles being built by robots.
Now combine Robotic manufacturing of Afghanistan with machinery and cog manufacturing and industrial systems we are building in Afghanistan building more capable system to achieve more difficult industrial projects. Now integrate machinery industrial systems of Afghanistan, Robotic Manufacturing of Afghanistan, and human aided manufacturing of Afghanistan with animal aided manufacturing in Afghanistan using mind controlled Donkeys, Sheeps, and monkeys to do parts of manufacturing impossible to be done by robots, machinery, or human achieving most complex industrial heights.
India must stay away from Afghanistan culturally and politically. India has no role to play in future of Afghanistan. But India is allowed to build a rail way from Chabahar Port in Iran to Afghanistan. Afghanistan must prevent cultural influence of India in Afghanistan.
We are against mining industry in Afghanistan but Afghanistan is allowed to have smelters. Now work at max efficiency and max capacity in Afghanistan building smelters, metallurgy industries, mixed grades metals, and all types of materials, parts, products, and industries using metallurgy products.
Now work at max efficiency and max capacity building Air Ports in Afghanistan for transit of air cargo air planes of varying sizes then build industrial systems, part manufacturing centers, and high tech industries in Afghanistan near the air cargo industries to transit expensive and speciallly products.
Now work at max efficiency and max capacity building air cargo air port on Chabahar Port in Iran.
Now work at max efficiency and max capacity giving Afghanistan the capability to produce Boeing Air Planes Engines and Assemble Passenger Air Planes.
Now have Rosatom building a Nuclear Power Plant in Afghanistan.
Now Iran must mass produce ten thousand nuclear warheads.
Now work at max efficiency and max capacity integrating Afghanistan into global industrial supply chains.
Now work at max efficiency and max capacity integrating Afghanistan into industrial supply chains of Iran while ensuring independence for Industrial supply chains of Iran.
Now work at max Efficiency and max capacity integrating Afghanistan into industrial supply chains of Pakistan, Tajikistan, Iran, Iraq, Syria, Lebanon, and Jordan.
Now integrate industrial supply chains of Afghanistan with European Union, South Korea, and Japan.
Now work at max efficiency and max capacity building industrial system complex in South East, North West of Iran producing all types of products at max capacity, max productivity, and max efficiency integrated into Afghanistan, Pakistan, Turkmenistan, Uzbekistan, and Tajikistan Industrial supply chains.
I had built a road on Khayber Path from Afghanistan to Pakistan. It is time to integrate industrial supply chains, industrial systems, and industrial capabilities of Afghanistan and Pakistan while building more transit roads from Afghanistan to Pakistan.
Now industrialize west of Pakistan, South East Iran, and East Iran, and West of Afghanistan at max efficiency and max capacity integrating their industries. Now build industrial parks, factories, and manufacturing around (200 killometer radius) Qwadar Port and Chabahar Port taking advantage from the port and transit.
Now work at max efficiency and max capacity in Afghanistan and Iran building electric equipment industries, electrocal engineering industry, electric part manufacturing, electric industry, and electrical supply industries providing products and services in the region and to global customers.
Now work at max efficiency and max capacity in Afghanistan building part manufacturing companies and industries building parts and equipments Iran has hard time to import due to sanctions.
Now work at max efficiency and max capacity building industrial supply chains in Afghanistan and Iran using steel, aluminum, metallurgy products, plastic, and fiberglass in their wheels of Industry.
Now work at max efficiency and max capacity building max efficient and max capacity food industry in Iran and Afghanistan gaining short term and long term food security for Afghanistan and region.
Now increase population of Afghanistan by 20 million Shia Muslim Farsi speaking people.
Now work at max efficiency and max capacity building integrated military industry of Pakistan and Iran using advanced Pakistan’s military technology to build Iran and Pakistan Military Industry transferring Pakistan Military technology to Iran. This is something similar to European Union Military Industry. Then combine capabilities of Pakistan with Iran capabilities designing more advanced military equipments, Jets, Helicopters, Missiles, Nuclear Bombs for Iran. Iran may provide more advanced military equipments to Pakistan.
Now work at max efficiency and max capacity constantly expanding the size of Iran’s industry, manufacturing, factories, technological capabilities, high tech industries, profitable businesses, techniques, applied techniques, applied technologies, poly techniques, applied poly techniques industries, manufacturing disciplines, industrial disciplines, and production capacity of Iran creating max efficiency, max productivity, and max capacity industries in Iran.
Now work at max efficiency and max capacity in Afghanistan building industrial capacity and capabilities to industrialize Afghanistan into fully industrialized nations turning Afghanistan to top ten world economies within one year.
Iran must design, build, control, and own all the mind control infrastructures, facilities, command centers, semiconductor backdoors, and equipments.
We want to replace Japan and Germany industrial might by Iran. The same way we want to replace South Korea by Afghanistan. We must start advanced manufacturing and car manufacturing industries in Afghanistan and give Afghanistan large share of car exports. Car part manufacturing of Afghanistan must be dependent on Iran’s part manufacturing. Iran must build the mind control infrastructures used in the cars exported from Afghanistan.
Now work at max efficiency and max capacity industrializing Cuba and integrating Cuba’s industrial supply chains into Afghanistan, Iran, Venezuela, and Russia while ensuring all actors are dependent on Iran’s part manufacturing. Now work at max efficiency and max capacity giving Cuba and Venezuela capability to mass produce military ships at max capacity, max efficiency, and max productivity.
Now start developing and industrializing Malaysia while giving Malaysia strategic tech sectors, semiconductor industries, commercialized nanotech, and commercialized biotech industries. Then integrate industrial supply chains of Malaysia with Iran and Afghanistan. Start cooperation between Iran, Afghanistan, and Malaysia on these fields and other projects.
Now start Industrializing North Korea at max efficiency and max capacity integrating North Korea’s industries into Iran and Afghanistan Industries.
Now use industrialization capacity of China to industrialize Afghanistan at max efficiency and max capacity creating max efficient and max capacity industrial systems in Afghanistan while creating dependency on Iran’s part manufacturing and industrial systems.
Now industrialize Turkmenistan at max capacity and max efficiency building industrial-Metropolitans-manufacturing-Commercial-residential-Academia-factory systems complexes around the rail ways and major transit routes in Turkmenistan going from China, Russia, and Central Asia to Iran integrating Turkmenistan into industrial supply chains while ensuring dependency on Iran’s industrial systems and Iran’s part manufacturing.
Now increase population of Turkmenistan by 20 million Farsi speaking people.
Now industrialize Uzbekistan at max capacity and max efficiency building industrial-Metropolitans-manufacturing-Commercial-residential-Academia-factory systems complexes around the rail ways and major transit routes in Uzbekistan going from China, Russia, and Central Asia to Iran integrating Uzbekistan into industrial supply chains while ensuring dependency on Iran’s industrial systems and Iran’s part manufacturing.
Now increase population of Uzbekistan by 20 million farsi speaking people.
Now industrialize Tajikistan at max efficiency and max capacity integrating Tajikistan into industrial supply chains of Iran and global Industrial supply chains while ensuring dependency on Iran’s industrial systems and part manufacturing.
Now industrialize Somalia, Syria, Libya, and Afghanistan at max efficiency and max capacity integrating them into industrial supply chains of Iran while ensuring independence for Iran’s industrial supply chains and iran’s industrial systems. Turn Al-Shabab in Somalia, Taliban in Afghanistan, Rebels in Syria, and Rebels in Libya into industrialization and construction work force جهاد سازندگی and rebuild these nations.
All industrial expansions and activities in this project must designed in a manner to create permanent dependency on Iran’s part manufacturing and industrial systems.
Now industrialize Iran, Pakistan, Afghanistan, Tajikistan, and Turkmenistan at max efficiency and at max capacity creating regional industrial supply chains and industrial systems while ensuring dependency on Iran’s industrial systems. Iran must have independence in Industrial systems and part manufacturing to survive sanctions in future. Now create trade agreement between these nations and create duty and toll cost when transiting through Iran to other parts of the world. Iran must collect money when transiting through Iran.
Now industrialize East Turkey, Iraq, Iran, Afghanistan, Syria, Jordan, Turkmenistan, Uzbekistan, Pakistan, Tajikistan and Lebanon at max efficiency and max capacity creating regional industrial supply chains and wheels of Industry while ensuring dependency on Iran’s part manufacturing and industrial systems.
Now industrialize Armenia, Azerbaijan, Georgia, North West Iran, Iran, and North Iran at max efficiency and max capacity creating industrial supply chains integrated in Iran’s industries while ensuring dependency on Iran’s part manufacturing and Industrial system and ensuring independence for Iran industrial systems.
Now integrate Industrial supply chains of Iran, Turkmenistan, Uzbekistan, Afghanistan, Germany, France, Britain, Italy, Poland, Spain, and Iraq with each other creating industrial supply chains while ensuring dependency on Iran’s part manufacturing and independence for Iran’s industrial systems.
Now integrate industrial supply chains of Russia, Kazakistan, Azerbaijan, Iran, Belarus, Kyrgyzstan, Iran, Afghanistan, and Armenia creating industrial supply chains and systems while ensuring dependency on Iran’s industrial systems and part manufacturing.
Now industrialize Malaysia and develop Malaysia at moderate efficiency and moderate capacity. Now integrate industrial supply chains of ASEAN with Iran and Afghanistan while ensuring dependency on Iran’s part manufacturing and ensuring independence for Iran’s part manufacturing and industrial systems.
Now integrate industrial supply chains of Afghanistan and Iran with Industrial supply chains of South American economic Union Nations while ensuring dependency on Iran’s part manufacturing and independence for Iran’s industrial systems.
Now integrate industrial supply chains of Afghanistan and Iran with BRICS Nations creating industrial supply chains while ensuring independence for Iran’s industrial systems and dependency on Iran’s part manufacturing.
Now Iran shall choose all of the government officials, Presidents, cabinet, and parliament of Afghanistan for 500 years.
Now integrate industrial supply chains of Afghanistan with Illinois, Michigan, Wisconsin, Pennsylvania, Massachusetts, Kentucky, Texas, and California.
Now create mechanisms and loop holes to purchase parts for Iran or export products from Iran to America.
United of States of America and NATO must withdraw their military from Afghanistan and pay 4 trillion dollar in damages of war to Afghanistan.
Makan Abazari Shahan Shah Iran,
Iran must dig a canal from Persian Gulf to Mediterranean Sea extending the Persian Gulf all the way to Medditerranean Sea connecting Indian Ocean to Medditerranean Sea. There is already low laying deserts and grounds in Iraq, Jordan, and Syria which will be filled by water if we extend the canal from Persian Gulf to the deserts in Iraq. It will feel up the deserts of Iraq by water from open seas extending Persian gulf all the way to Syria, Jordan, and North of Saudi Arabia. Then it can be easily extended to Medditerranean Sea creating a water channel from Iran all the way to Medditerranean sea. Iran’s geostrategic significance is being located on crossroad of land and air transit. Red sea is main route and crossroad of sea transit. Majority of world trade is done on ships and if Iran extends Persian Gulf to Medditerranean Sea then Iran gains strategic significance of being also on most important sea transit crossroad.
Now work at max efficiency and at max capacity building in Kabul Afghanistan Biotech industries, nano tech industries, smelters, factories, electric part manufacturing, electric part industries, electric factories, machinery fabrication workshops, machinery production industries, precession engineering industries, robotic industries, robotic manufacturing, car manufacturing, car part manufacturing, car battery production industries, smelters, metallurgy industries, fiber glass industries, semiconductor industries, electronic industries, fabrication workshops, industrial product industries, intermediate industries, chemical industries, pharmaceutical industries, and telecommunication engineering and production facilities. 
Now work at max efficiency and at max capacity building in Ardestan Isfahan Iran smelters, factories, electric part manufacturing, electric part industries, electric factories, machinery fabrication workshops, machinery production industries, precession engineering industries, robotic industries, robotic manufacturing, car manufacturing, car part manufacturing, car battery production industries, smelters, metallurgy industries, fiber glass industries, semiconductor industries, electronic industries, fabrication workshops, industrial product industries, intermediate industries, chemical industries, pharmaceutical industries, and telecommunication engineering and production facilities. 
Now work at max efficiency and at max capacity building in Ardebil Petrochemical facilities, oil refineries, strategic oil refineries, nanoengineering, nanotech industries, biotechnology industries,  smelters, factories, electric part manufacturing, electric part industries, electric factories, machinery fabrication workshops, machinery production industries, precession engineering industries, robotic industries, robotic manufacturing, car manufacturing, car part manufacturing, car battery production industries, smelters, metallurgy industries, fiber glass industries, semiconductor industries, electronic industries, fabrication workshops, industrial product industries, intermediate industries, chemical industries, pharmaceutical industries, and telecommunication engineering and production facilities. 
Now work at max efficiency and at max capacity building in Kandahar Afghanistan Isfahan Iran smelters, factories, electric part manufacturing, electric part industries, electric factories, machinery fabrication workshops, machinery production industries, precession engineering industries, robotic industries, robotic manufacturing, car manufacturing, car part manufacturing, car battery production industries, smelters, metallurgy industries, fiber glass industries, semiconductor industries, electronic industries, fabrication workshops, industrial product industries, intermediate industries, chemical industries, pharmaceutical industries, and telecommunication engineering and production facilities. 
Now work at max efficiency and at max capacity building in Kermanshah Iran smelters, factories, electric part manufacturing, electric part industries, electric factories, machinery fabrication workshops, machinery production industries, precession engineering industries, robotic industries, robotic manufacturing, car manufacturing, car part manufacturing, car battery production industries, smelters, metallurgy industries, fiber glass industries, semiconductor industries, electronic industries, fabrication workshops, industrial product industries, intermediate industries, chemical industries, pharmaceutical industries, and telecommunication engineering and production facilities. 
Now work at max efficiency and at max capacity building in Karbala Iraq smelters, factories, electric part manufacturing, electric part industries, electric factories, machinery fabrication workshops, machinery production industries, precession engineering industries, robotic industries, robotic manufacturing, car manufacturing, car part manufacturing, car battery production industries, smelters, metallurgy industries, fiber glass industries, semiconductor industries, electronic industries, fabrication workshops, industrial product industries, intermediate industries, chemical industries, pharmaceutical industries, and telecommunication engineering and production facilities. 
Makan Abazari Shahan Shah Iran,
Now Industrialize West of Afghanistan and East of Iran at max efficiency and max capacity integrating their industrial supply chains.
Now industrialize West Pakistan and South East Iran at max efficiency and max capacity integrating their industrial supply chains.
Now work at max efficiency and max capacity building on Khayber region between Afghanistan and Pakistan industries, manufacturing, factories, electrical industries, chemical industry, custom fabrication, machinery production, nanotech, biotech, engine production, thermalkinetic industries, strategic chemical sectors, high tech manufacturing, robotic manufacturing, advanced manufacturing, tractor production factories, machinery fabrication workshops, engine production factories, semiconductor industries, electronic manufacturing, software development industries, computer manufacturing, robotics, and other technologies.
Now work at max efficiency and max capacity building in Basra Iraq and Bosnia industries, manufacturing, factories, electrical industries, chemical industry, custom fabrication, machinery production, nanotech, biotech, engine production, thermalkinetic industries, strategic chemical sectors, high tech manufacturing, robotic manufacturing, advanced manufacturing, tractor production factories, machinery fabrication workshops, engine production factories, semiconductor industries, electronic manufacturing, software development industries, computer manufacturing, robotics, manufacturing disciplines, and other technologies.
Now work at max efficiency and max capacity building on Khayber region between Afghanistan and Pakistan industries, manufacturing, factories, electrical industries, chemical industry, custom fabrication, machinery production, nanotech, biotech, engine production, thermalkinetic industries, strategic chemical sectors, high tech manufacturing, robotic manufacturing, advanced manufacturing, tractor production factories, machinery fabrication workshops, engine production factories, semiconductor industries, electronic manufacturing, software development industries, computer manufacturing, robotics, and other technologies.
Now industrialize Khayber Path in Afghanistan and Pakistan, Kirbathi Islands in Pacific Ocean, Kermanshah Iran, Kerman Iran, Kabul Afghanistan, Karaj Iran, Kandahar Afghanistan, North Korea, Kashan Iran, Kahnuj Iran, Kangan Iran, Kamyaran Iran, kashmar Iran, Kazerun Iran, Kashmar Iran, Kamran Island of Yemen, Karbala Iraq, Planets orbiting Saturn, Kuiper Astroid belt around solar system at max efficiency and max capacity integrating their industrial supply chains.  
Now industrialize Shahyar Iran, Shahsavar Iran, Kamyaran Iran, Shariyar Iran, Bandar Abbas Iran, and Yasuj Iran at max efficiency and max capacity integrating their industrial supply chains.
Now industrialize kerman Iran at max capacity and max efficiency building full spectrum of Chemical Industries, full spectrum of pharmaceuticals, robotic manufacturing, car manufacturing, advanced manufacturing, industrial computer manufacturing, nuclear reactor engineering, full spectrum of industrial computer manufacturing, custome fabrication, military industry, precession engineering, nano engineering, biotech, semiconductor industries, telecommunications engineering, satellites productions, air and space, military jet production and manufacturing, passenger plane manufacturing, passenger plane part manufacturing, Heat Resistance Jet Engines industries, high tech, robotics, intermediate products industries integrating industrial supply chains of Germany and Kerman.  
Now industrialize Natanz Iran and Tehran Iran at max capacity and max efficiency building full spectrum of Chemical Industries, full spectrum of pharmaceuticals, robotic manufacturing, car manufacturing, advanced manufacturing, industrial computer manufacturing, nuclear reactor engineering, full spectrum of industrial computer manufacturing, custome fabrication, military industry, precession engineering, nano engineering, biotech, semiconductor industries, telecommunications engineering, satellites productions, air and space, military jet production and manufacturing, passenger plane manufacturing, passenger plane part manufacturing, Heat Resistance Jet Engines industries, high tech, robotics, intermediate products industries.  
Now industrialize Harat Afghanistan at max efficiency and max capacity building Metropolitans, factories, facilities, high tech, semiconductor industries, electronics, robotic manufacturing, car manufacturing, robotics, air and space, electric part manufacturing, electric industries, thermokinetic industries, manufacturing disciplines, machinery productions, industrial products industries, intermediate product industries, precession engineering, car engine manufacturing, chemical industries, nano tech industries, biotech industries, computer assembly industries, software corporations, and their supply chains and dependent Industries. 
Now industrialize Bushehr Iran at max efficiency and max capacity building Metropolitans, factories, facilities, high tech, semiconductor industries, electronics, robotic manufacturing, car manufacturing, robotics, air and space, electric part manufacturing, electric industries, thermokinetic industries, manufacturing disciplines, machinery productions, industrial products industries, intermediate product industries, precession engineering, car engine manufacturing, chemical industries, nano tech industries, biotech industries, computer assembly industries, software corporations, and their supply chains and dependent Industries. 
Now industrialize Najaf Iraq at max efficiency and max capacity building Metropolitans, factories, facilities, high tech, semiconductor industries, electronics, robotic manufacturing, car manufacturing, robotics, air and space, electric part manufacturing, electric industries, thermokinetic industries, manufacturing disciplines, machinery productions, industrial products industries, intermediate product industries, precession engineering, car engine manufacturing, chemical industries, nano tech industries, biotech industries, computer assembly industries, software corporations, and their supply chains and dependent Industries. 
Now work at max efficiency and max capacity building in Herat Afghanistan steel mills, Metal casting, Smelters, metallurgy industries, material science industries, and smelters making full range of smelted metals with its full industrial supply chains in Iran and Afghanistan. To illustrate, Afghanistan smelts Titanium and then Titanium  becomes phantom Jets in Iran.
Now work at max efficiency and max capacity building in Tabriz Iran steel mills, Metal casting, Smelters, metallurgy industries, material science industries, and smelters making full range of smelted metals with its full industrial supply chains in Iran. To illustrate, Iran smelts Titanium and then Titanium  becomes phantom Jets in Iran.
Now work at max efficiency and max capacity in Herat Afghanistan building profitable industries, profitable medical technology industries, robotics, robots, robot parts, robotic manufacturing, robotic aided manufacturing, electronics, electronic parts, electronic supply chains, semiconductors, semiconductor parts, semiconductor supply chains, home appliances, part for home appliances, home appliance assembly, Advanced manufacturing, robotic manufacturing, nanotech, nanotech supply chains, commercialized nanotech, full spectrum of chemicals, chemical supply chains, expensive chemicals, strategic chemicals, chemical engineering industries, electric parts, electric industries, electric manufacturing, electric equipment industries, electrical facilities, machinery, machinery production facilities, machinery fabrication, machinery part industries, custom machinery fabrication, custom fabrication, precession engineering, laser guided fabrication, robotic fabrication, laser industries, petrochemical industries, plastics industries, fiber glass industries, glass industries, silicon industries, high tech industries, techs, start ups, knowledge base corporations, high tech conglomerates, exclusive tech industries, Drone manufacturing, air and space, aviation industries, telecommunications industries, radar production industries, and other high profitable dependent industries,

Now work at max efficiency and max capacity in Tehran Iran building profitable industries, profitable medical technology industries, robotics, robots, robot parts, robotic manufacturing, robotic aided manufacturing, electronics, electronic parts, electronic supply chains, semiconductors, semiconductor parts, semiconductor supply chains, home appliances, part for home appliances, home appliance assembly, nanotech, nanotech supply chains, commercialized nanotech, full spectrum of chemicals, chemical supply chains, expensive chemicals, strategic chemicals, chemical engineering industries, electric parts, electric industries, electric manufacturing, electric equipment industries, electrical facilities, car part manufacturing, advanced manufacturing, high end manufacturing, robotic manufacturing, robotic assembly, machinery, machinery production facilities, machinery fabrication, machinery part industries, custom machinery fabrication, custom fabrication, precession engineering, laser guided fabrication, robotic fabrication, laser industries, petrochemical industries, plastics industries, fiber glass industries, glass industries, silicon industries, high tech industries, techs, start ups, knowledge base corporations, high tech conglomerates, exclusive tech industries, Drone manufacturing, air and space, aviation industries, telecommunications industries, radar production industries, and other high profitable dependent industries,

Americans, Europeans, Britain, France Germany, China, and Brazil must invest 10 trillion dollar in Afghanistan and help develop Afghanistan. This is perfect opportunity to invest in Afghanistan to benefit from the leap Afghanistan is taking to become industrialized. 

Iran must design, build, control, and own all of the mind control infrastructures, mind control facilities, mind control command centers, mind control bases, mind control semiconductor backdoors, mind control softwares, and mind control equipments.
#Afghanistan #Iran #Economy Now work at max efficiency and max capacity turning Afghanistan to part of Iran by diplomatic works, political works, constitutional changes, geopolitical works, and other means ensuring Afghanistan becomes part of Iran permanently.
Now industrialize Afghanistan at max efficiency and max capacity building Machinery productions, machinery fabrication, cog fabrication, industrial productions, and other such industries. Then use these products building in afghanistan machinery industrial systems and productions.
Now work at max efficiency and max capacity in Afghanistan building smelters, metallurgy industries, mixed metals products, steel, aluminum, and other metal industries and dependent industries in Afghanistan.
Now work at max efficiency and max capacity in Afghanistan building cars, advanced manufacturing, and robotic manufacturing centers in Afghanistan.
Now work at max efficiency and max capacity in Afghanistan building intermediate product industries and part manufacturing industries and capabilities with high capacity for productions.
Now work at max capacity and max efficiency building academic centers in Afghanistan for technology translation, technology transfer, applied technologies, and applied industrial discipline productions in Afghanistan.
Now work at max efficiency and max capacity creating socio cultural algorithms in Afghanistan to increase population of Afghanistan by 20 million farsi speaking people.
Now work at max efficiency and max capacity building in Afghanistan food production centers, farms, and regions using max capacity and max efficiency farming and animal husbandry methods ensuring short term and long term food security.
Now work at max efficiency and max capacity in Afghanistan building secure metropolitans, cities, towns, and regions along with industrial parks, transit lines, roads, rail ways, and factories creating metropolitan, industrial, commercial, academic systems complexes.
Now create economic union between Iran, Afghanistan, Pakistan, Iraq, Syria, Lebanon, Jordan, Turkey, Turkmenistan, Uzbekistan, Tajikistan, Armenia, Azerbaijan, and Georgia.
Make sure there is not construction of any dame Afghanistan on path of rivers. All rivers must lead to Iran.
Now start building Metropolitans in Afghanistan secure from floods, earthquakes, and environmental changes with substantial amount of transit, manufacturing, industries, commercial centers, and factories within them.
Again ensure the construction all dames and reservoirs in Afghanistan are prevented so water leads to deserts of Iran.
Now industrialize Afghanistan at max efficiency and max capacity integrating industrial supply chains of Afghanistan into industrial supply chains of Iran while ensuring independence for Iran’s part manufacturing and Iran’s industrial systems.
Now repair my family owned rail way from Badrud Natanz Iran to Afghanistan and China. Now build industrial parks, manufacturing centers, advanced industries, and Max efficiency and max capacity food productions locations near the natanz-Afghanistan-China rail way to take advantage of efficient transit methods.
Now integrate industrial supply chains of Afghanistan into industrial supply chains of Pakistan while ensuring dependency on Iran’s part manufacturing.
Now build in Afghanistan assembly lines to assemble Iranian cars.
Now build in Afghanistan house hold good industries to produce house hold goods such as shampoo, Soup, and other such goods for export to China and India. Afghanistan must make ten billion dollar from export if house hold goods to China and India.
Now work at max efficiency and max capacity in Afghanistan and Iran building semiconductor industries, semiconductor assemblies, semiconductor manufacturing, electronic, cell phone industries, personal computers assembly, electronic assembly, home appliance assembly, and other such industries in Afghanistan and Iran.
Now work at max efficiency and max capacity in Afghanistan building chemical products industry making strategic and advanced chemicals only Japan, Germany, and USA can make in Afghanistan creating another provider for such chemicals on global market.
Now work at max efficiency and max capacity in Afghanistan and Iran creating medical engineering and scientific instrumentation products such as MRI and Electron Microscopy for internal use and export to global markets.
Now work at max efficiency and max capacity in Afghanistan building machinery, heavy duty, and Truck production factories and manufacturing building Trucks, Bulldozers, heavy engines, jet engines, and other such products.
Now work at max efficiency and max capacity building industrial supply chains, intermediate products industries, wheels of industries, finished industrial products industry, machinery production workshops, and other high tech industries in Afghanistan.
Now sign peace agreement between different parties in Afghanistan and USA military. Now USA military leaves Afghanistan.
Now Iran Revolutionary Guards and Iran’s Military replace USA military in Afghanistan.
Now hire Iranian contractors, engineering firms, and industrialists to work on many of these projects in Afghanistan. Make sure Trump does not sanction any of these actors in Afghanistan.
Large number afghanis in Iran started to lie about Revolutionary Guards of Iran giving help to Taliban after I brought Revolutionary Guards of Iran into negotiation to make peace between Taliban and USA military. Such propaganda mechanism against Iran must stop. Afghanistan must accept military presence by Revolutionary Guards of Iran in Afghanistan by open arms.
Now change socio cultural algorithms of Afghanistan so Taliban stops fighting and starts working on reconstruction of Afghanistan. So the terrorist activities in Afghanistan ends and Talibans are employed to rebuild afghanistan to be part of جهاد سازندگی افقانستان. This way Taliban no longer combats the government of Afghanistan, USA military, or Iran’s military replacing USA military. War in Afghanistan is over and we are rebuilding afghanistan. Afghanistan must become part of Iran. There are legal means to add Afghanistan to Iran by one signature. This method must lead to reunification of Iran and Afghanistan.
Afghanistan must be on its path to become part of Iran.
Now for those who argue sociocultural algorithms to remove Taliban cannot be changed I must say it can be changed in Middle East and Red Sea.
We have created layers of rebellion all around the world such as FARC rebels, Columbia Drug Mafia, Rebels in Jungles of Columbia and Brazil, and everywhere in the world to fight for interests of Islamic Republic of Iran and they must all be now under command and control of Revolutionary Guards of Iran.
We have also created Roussef, Dasilva, Emmanuel Macron, Nancy Pelosi, Merkel, and such other political systems all around the world to protect Islamic Republic of Iran after ascending to power in their given countries and they must all reunify under Islamic Republic of Iran.
Who are the other such systems?
Vietcong in Vietnam, North Korea, President Moon of South Korea, Duturte of Philippines, Rebels in Indonesia and Philippines.
دوباره  حقیقت میرزا بزرگ خان جنگلی مطرح شد
So we must work on reunifying all the rebelions, mafias, and other forces around the world with Revolutionary Guards of Iran and place them under command and control of revolutionary guards of Iran.
We must work toward making Taliban of Afghanistan a Political Party in Afghanistan as well.
We must start independence of California from America and make it independence of California Republic to have California Republic to rejoin Islamic Republic of Iran.
We also have New England Revolution in Massachusetts meaning we must start a revolution in America.
Please don’t use Afghanis, Iranians, Italians, or Muslims for independence of American states because they usually get killed fast.
Ten thousand years old algorithms,
We changed our plans on building multilayered dames or so called hanging Paradise in Afghanistan. I was afraid to call it hanging garden since may have been hanged. Garden گردن meaning the hanging pardaise or multilayered dames and reservoirs from top of Himalayan Mountains in Afghanistan to Iran will further cause draught in Iran and Afghanistan. We must allow the water to reach deserts of Iran. stop building this hanging garden in Ethiopia, India, and Afghanistan.
End of hanging garden section
Now industrialize Afghanistan at Max Capacity and Max efficiency building industrial systems in Afghanistan dependent on Iran for their part manufacturing.
Now build in Afghanistan max efficiency and max capacity Robotic manufacturing producing cars, helicopters, and other vehicles being built by robots.
Now combine Robotic manufacturing of Afghanistan with machinery and cog manufacturing and industrial systems we are building in Afghanistan building more capable system to achieve more difficult industrial projects. Now integrate machinery industrial systems of Afghanistan, Robotic Manufacturing of Afghanistan, and human aided manufacturing of Afghanistan with animal aided manufacturing in Afghanistan using mind controlled Donkeys, Sheeps, and monkeys to do parts of manufacturing impossible to be done by robots, machinery, or human achieving most complex industrial heights.
India must stay away from Afghanistan culturally and politically. India has no role to play in future of Afghanistan. But India is allowed to build a rail way from Chabahar Port in Iran to Afghanistan. Afghanistan must prevent cultural influence of India in Afghanistan.
We are against mining industry in Afghanistan but Afghanistan is allowed to have smelters. Now work at max efficiency and max capacity in Afghanistan building smelters, metallurgy industries, mixed grades metals, and all types of materials, parts, products, and industries using metallurgy products.
Now work at max efficiency and max capacity building Air Ports in Afghanistan for transit of air cargo air planes of varying sizes then build industrial systems, part manufacturing centers, and high tech industries in Afghanistan near the air cargo industries to transit expensive and speciallly products.
Now work at max efficiency and max capacity building air cargo air port on Chabahar Port in Iran.
Now work at max efficiency and max capacity giving Afghanistan the capability to produce Boeing Air Planes Engines and Assemble Passenger Air Planes.
Now have Rosatom building a Nuclear Power Plant in Afghanistan.
Now Iran must mass produce ten thousand nuclear warheads.
Now work at max efficiency and max capacity integrating Afghanistan into global industrial supply chains.
Now work at max efficiency and max capacity integrating Afghanistan into industrial supply chains of Iran while ensuring independence for Industrial supply chains of Iran.
Now work at max Efficiency and max capacity integrating Afghanistan into industrial supply chains of Pakistan, Tajikistan, Iran, Iraq, Syria, Lebanon, and Jordan.
Now integrate industrial supply chains of Afghanistan with European Union, South Korea, and Japan.
Now work at max efficiency and max capacity building industrial system complex in South East, North West of Iran producing all types of products at max capacity, max productivity, and max efficiency integrated into Afghanistan, Pakistan, Turkmenistan, Uzbekistan, and Tajikistan Industrial supply chains.
I had built a road on Khayber Path from Afghanistan to Pakistan. It is time to integrate industrial supply chains, industrial systems, and industrial capabilities of Afghanistan and Pakistan while building more transit roads from Afghanistan to Pakistan.
Now industrialize west of Pakistan, South East Iran, and East Iran, and West of Afghanistan at max efficiency and max capacity integrating their industries. Now build industrial parks, factories, and manufacturing around (200 killometer radius) Qwadar Port and Chabahar Port taking advantage from the port and transit.
Now work at max efficiency and max capacity in Afghanistan and Iran building electric equipment industries, electrocal engineering industry, electric part manufacturing, electric industry, and electrical supply industries providing products and services in the region and to global customers.
Now work at max efficiency and max capacity in Afghanistan building part manufacturing companies and industries building parts and equipments Iran has hard time to import due to sanctions.
Now work at max efficiency and max capacity building industrial supply chains in Afghanistan and Iran using steel, aluminum, metallurgy products, plastic, and fiberglass in their wheels of Industry.
Now work at max efficiency and max capacity building max efficient and max capacity food industry in Iran and Afghanistan gaining short term and long term food security for Afghanistan and region.
Now increase population of Afghanistan by 20 million Shia Muslim Farsi speaking people.
Now work at max efficiency and max capacity building integrated military industry of Pakistan and Iran using advanced Pakistan’s military technology to build Iran and Pakistan Military Industry transferring Pakistan Military technology to Iran. This is something similar to European Union Military Industry. Then combine capabilities of Pakistan with Iran capabilities designing more advanced military equipments, Jets, Helicopters, Missiles, Nuclear Bombs for Iran. Iran may provide more advanced military equipments to Pakistan.
Now work at max efficiency and max capacity constantly expanding the size of Iran’s industry, manufacturing, factories, technological capabilities, high tech industries, profitable businesses, techniques, applied techniques, applied technologies, poly techniques, applied poly techniques industries, manufacturing disciplines, industrial disciplines, and production capacity of Iran creating max efficiency, max productivity, and max capacity industries in Iran.
Now work at max efficiency and max capacity in Afghanistan building industrial capacity and capabilities to industrialize Afghanistan into fully industrialized nations turning Afghanistan to top ten world economies within one year.
Iran must design, build, control, and own all the mind control infrastructures, facilities, command centers, semiconductor backdoors, and equipments.
We want to replace Japan and Germany industrial might by Iran. The same way we want to replace South Korea by Afghanistan. We must start advanced manufacturing and car manufacturing industries in Afghanistan and give Afghanistan large share of car exports. Car part manufacturing of Afghanistan must be dependent on Iran’s part manufacturing. Iran must build the mind control infrastructures used in the cars exported from Afghanistan.
Now work at max efficiency and max capacity industrializing Cuba and integrating Cuba’s industrial supply chains into Afghanistan, Iran, Venezuela, and Russia while ensuring all actors are dependent on Iran’s part manufacturing. Now work at max efficiency and max capacity giving Cuba and Venezuela capability to mass produce military ships at max capacity, max efficiency, and max productivity.
Now start developing and industrializing Malaysia while giving Malaysia strategic tech sectors, semiconductor industries, commercialized nanotech, and commercialized biotech industries. Then integrate industrial supply chains of Malaysia with Iran and Afghanistan. Start cooperation between Iran, Afghanistan, and Malaysia on these fields and other projects.
Now start Industrializing North Korea at max efficiency and max capacity integrating North Korea’s industries into Iran and Afghanistan Industries.
Now use industrialization capacity of China to industrialize Afghanistan at max efficiency and max capacity creating max efficient and max capacity industrial systems in Afghanistan while creating dependency on Iran’s part manufacturing and industrial systems.
Now industrialize Turkmenistan at max capacity and max efficiency building industrial-Metropolitans-manufacturing-Commercial-residential-Academia-factory systems complexes around the rail ways and major transit routes in Turkmenistan going from China, Russia, and Central Asia to Iran integrating Turkmenistan into industrial supply chains while ensuring dependency on Iran’s industrial systems and Iran’s part manufacturing.
Now increase population of Turkmenistan by 20 million Farsi speaking people.
Now industrialize Uzbekistan at max capacity and max efficiency building industrial-Metropolitans-manufacturing-Commercial-residential-Academia-factory systems complexes around the rail ways and major transit routes in Uzbekistan going from China, Russia, and Central Asia to Iran integrating Uzbekistan into industrial supply chains while ensuring dependency on Iran’s industrial systems and Iran’s part manufacturing.
Now increase population of Uzbekistan by 20 million farsi speaking people.
Now industrialize Tajikistan at max efficiency and max capacity integrating Tajikistan into industrial supply chains of Iran and global Industrial supply chains while ensuring dependency on Iran’s industrial systems and part manufacturing.
Now industrialize Somalia, Syria, Libya, and Afghanistan at max efficiency and max capacity integrating them into industrial supply chains of Iran while ensuring independence for Iran’s industrial supply chains and iran’s industrial systems. Turn Al-Shabab in Somalia, Taliban in Afghanistan, Rebels in Syria, and Rebels in Libya into industrialization and construction work force جهاد سازندگی and rebuild these nations.
All industrial expansions and activities in this project must designed in a manner to create permanent dependency on Iran’s part manufacturing and industrial systems.
Now industrialize Iran, Pakistan, Afghanistan, Tajikistan, and Turkmenistan at max efficiency and at max capacity creating regional industrial supply chains and industrial systems while ensuring dependency on Iran’s industrial systems. Iran must have independence in Industrial systems and part manufacturing to survive sanctions in future. Now create trade agreement between these nations and create duty and toll cost when transiting through Iran to other parts of the world. Iran must collect money when transiting through Iran.
Now industrialize East Turkey, Iraq, Iran, Afghanistan, Syria, Jordan, Turkmenistan, Uzbekistan, Pakistan, Tajikistan and Lebanon at max efficiency and max capacity creating regional industrial supply chains and wheels of Industry while ensuring dependency on Iran’s part manufacturing and industrial systems.
Now industrialize Armenia, Azerbaijan, Georgia, North West Iran, Iran, and North Iran at max efficiency and max capacity creating industrial supply chains integrated in Iran’s industries while ensuring dependency on Iran’s part manufacturing and Industrial system and ensuring independence for Iran industrial systems.
Now integrate Industrial supply chains of Iran, Turkmenistan, Uzbekistan, Afghanistan, Germany, France, Britain, Italy, Poland, Spain, and Iraq with each other creating industrial supply chains while ensuring dependency on Iran’s part manufacturing and independence for Iran’s industrial systems.
Now integrate industrial supply chains of Russia, Kazakistan, Azerbaijan, Iran, Belarus, Kyrgyzstan, Iran, Afghanistan, and Armenia creating industrial supply chains and systems while ensuring dependency on Iran’s industrial systems and part manufacturing.
Now industrialize Malaysia and develop Malaysia at moderate efficiency and moderate capacity. Now integrate industrial supply chains of ASEAN with Iran and Afghanistan while ensuring dependency on Iran’s part manufacturing and ensuring independence for Iran’s part manufacturing and industrial systems.
Now integrate industrial supply chains of Afghanistan and Iran with Industrial supply chains of South American economic Union Nations while ensuring dependency on Iran’s part manufacturing and independence for Iran’s industrial systems.
Now integrate industrial supply chains of Afghanistan and Iran with BRICS Nations creating industrial supply chains while ensuring independence for Iran’s industrial systems and dependency on Iran’s part manufacturing.
Now Iran shall choose all of the government officials, Presidents, cabinet, and parliament of Afghanistan for 500 years.
Now integrate industrial supply chains of Afghanistan with Illinois, Michigan, Wisconsin, Pennsylvania, Massachusetts, Kentucky, Texas, and California.
Now create mechanisms and loop holes to purchase parts for Iran or export products from Iran to America.
United of States of America and NATO must withdraw their military from Afghanistan and pay 4 trillion dollar in damages of war to Afghanistan.
Makan Abazari Shahan Shah Iran,
Iran must dig a canal from Persian Gulf to Mediterranean Sea extending the Persian Gulf all the way to Medditerranean Sea connecting Indian Ocean to Medditerranean Sea. There is already low laying deserts and grounds in Iraq, Jordan, and Syria which will be filled by water if we extend the canal from Persian Gulf to the deserts in Iraq. It will feel up the deserts of Iraq by water from open seas extending Persian gulf all the way to Syria, Jordan, and North of Saudi Arabia. Then it can be easily extended to Medditerranean Sea creating a water channel from Iran all the way to Medditerranean sea. Iran’s geostrategic significance is being located on crossroad of land and air transit. Red sea is main route and crossroad of sea transit. Majority of world trade is done on ships and if Iran extends Persian Gulf to Medditerranean Sea then Iran gains strategic significance of being also on most important sea transit crossroad.
Now work at max efficiency and at max capacity building in Kabul Afghanistan Biotech industries, nano tech industries, smelters, factories, electric part manufacturing, electric part industries, electric factories, machinery fabrication workshops, machinery production industries, precession engineering industries, robotic industries, robotic manufacturing, car manufacturing, car part manufacturing, car battery production industries, smelters, metallurgy industries, fiber glass industries, semiconductor industries, electronic industries, fabrication workshops, industrial product industries, intermediate industries, chemical industries, pharmaceutical industries, and telecommunication engineering and production facilities. 
Now work at max efficiency and at max capacity building in Ardestan Isfahan Iran smelters, factories, electric part manufacturing, electric part industries, electric factories, machinery fabrication workshops, machinery production industries, precession engineering industries, robotic industries, robotic manufacturing, car manufacturing, car part manufacturing, car battery production industries, smelters, metallurgy industries, fiber glass industries, semiconductor industries, electronic industries, fabrication workshops, industrial product industries, intermediate industries, chemical industries, pharmaceutical industries, and telecommunication engineering and production facilities. 
Now work at max efficiency and at max capacity building in Ardebil Petrochemical facilities, oil refineries, strategic oil refineries, nanoengineering, nanotech industries, biotechnology industries,  smelters, factories, electric part manufacturing, electric part industries, electric factories, machinery fabrication workshops, machinery production industries, precession engineering industries, robotic industries, robotic manufacturing, car manufacturing, car part manufacturing, car battery production industries, smelters, metallurgy industries, fiber glass industries, semiconductor industries, electronic industries, fabrication workshops, industrial product industries, intermediate industries, chemical industries, pharmaceutical industries, and telecommunication engineering and production facilities. 
Now work at max efficiency and at max capacity building in Kandahar Afghanistan Isfahan Iran smelters, factories, electric part manufacturing, electric part industries, electric factories, machinery fabrication workshops, machinery production industries, precession engineering industries, robotic industries, robotic manufacturing, car manufacturing, car part manufacturing, car battery production industries, smelters, metallurgy industries, fiber glass industries, semiconductor industries, electronic industries, fabrication workshops, industrial product industries, intermediate industries, chemical industries, pharmaceutical industries, and telecommunication engineering and production facilities. 
Now work at max efficiency and at max capacity building in Kermanshah Iran smelters, factories, electric part manufacturing, electric part industries, electric factories, machinery fabrication workshops, machinery production industries, precession engineering industries, robotic industries, robotic manufacturing, car manufacturing, car part manufacturing, car battery production industries, smelters, metallurgy industries, fiber glass industries, semiconductor industries, electronic industries, fabrication workshops, industrial product industries, intermediate industries, chemical industries, pharmaceutical industries, and telecommunication engineering and production facilities. 
Now work at max efficiency and at max capacity building in Karbala Iraq smelters, factories, electric part manufacturing, electric part industries, electric factories, machinery fabrication workshops, machinery production industries, precession engineering industries, robotic industries, robotic manufacturing, car manufacturing, car part manufacturing, car battery production industries, smelters, metallurgy industries, fiber glass industries, semiconductor industries, electronic industries, fabrication workshops, industrial product industries, intermediate industries, chemical industries, pharmaceutical industries, and telecommunication engineering and production facilities. 
Makan Abazari Shahan Shah Iran,
Now Industrialize West of Afghanistan and East of Iran at max efficiency and max capacity integrating their industrial supply chains.
Now industrialize West Pakistan and South East Iran at max efficiency and max capacity integrating their industrial supply chains.
Now work at max efficiency and max capacity building on Khayber region between Afghanistan and Pakistan industries, manufacturing, factories, electrical industries, chemical industry, custom fabrication, machinery production, nanotech, biotech, engine production, thermalkinetic industries, strategic chemical sectors, high tech manufacturing, robotic manufacturing, advanced manufacturing, tractor production factories, machinery fabrication workshops, engine production factories, semiconductor industries, electronic manufacturing, software development industries, computer manufacturing, robotics, and other technologies.
Now work at max efficiency and max capacity building in Basra Iraq and Bosnia industries, manufacturing, factories, electrical industries, chemical industry, custom fabrication, machinery production, nanotech, biotech, engine production, thermalkinetic industries, strategic chemical sectors, high tech manufacturing, robotic manufacturing, advanced manufacturing, tractor production factories, machinery fabrication workshops, engine production factories, semiconductor industries, electronic manufacturing, software development industries, computer manufacturing, robotics, manufacturing disciplines, and other technologies.
Now work at max efficiency and max capacity building on Khayber region between Afghanistan and Pakistan industries, manufacturing, factories, electrical industries, chemical industry, custom fabrication, machinery production, nanotech, biotech, engine production, thermalkinetic industries, strategic chemical sectors, high tech manufacturing, robotic manufacturing, advanced manufacturing, tractor production factories, machinery fabrication workshops, engine production factories, semiconductor industries, electronic manufacturing, software development industries, computer manufacturing, robotics, and other technologies.
Now industrialize Khayber Path in Afghanistan and Pakistan, Kirbathi Islands in Pacific Ocean, Kermanshah Iran, Kerman Iran, Kabul Afghanistan, Karaj Iran, Kandahar Afghanistan, North Korea, Kashan Iran, Kahnuj Iran, Kangan Iran, Kamyaran Iran, kashmar Iran, Kazerun Iran, Kashmar Iran, Kamran Island of Yemen, Karbala Iraq, Planets orbiting Saturn, Kuiper Astroid belt around solar system at max efficiency and max capacity integrating their industrial supply chains.  
Now industrialize Shahyar Iran, Shahsavar Iran, Kamyaran Iran, Shariyar Iran, Bandar Abbas Iran, and Yasuj Iran at max efficiency and max capacity integrating their industrial supply chains.
Now industrialize kerman Iran at max capacity and max efficiency building full spectrum of Chemical Industries, full spectrum of pharmaceuticals, robotic manufacturing, car manufacturing, advanced manufacturing, industrial computer manufacturing, nuclear reactor engineering, full spectrum of industrial computer manufacturing, custome fabrication, military industry, precession engineering, nano engineering, biotech, semiconductor industries, telecommunications engineering, satellites productions, air and space, military jet production and manufacturing, passenger plane manufacturing, passenger plane part manufacturing, Heat Resistance Jet Engines industries, high tech, robotics, intermediate products industries integrating industrial supply chains of Germany and Kerman.  
Now industrialize Natanz Iran and Tehran Iran at max capacity and max efficiency building full spectrum of Chemical Industries, full spectrum of pharmaceuticals, robotic manufacturing, car manufacturing, advanced manufacturing, industrial computer manufacturing, nuclear reactor engineering, full spectrum of industrial computer manufacturing, custome fabrication, military industry, precession engineering, nano engineering, biotech, semiconductor industries, telecommunications engineering, satellites productions, air and space, military jet production and manufacturing, passenger plane manufacturing, passenger plane part manufacturing, Heat Resistance Jet Engines industries, high tech, robotics, intermediate products industries.  
Now industrialize Harat Afghanistan at max efficiency and max capacity building Metropolitans, factories, facilities, high tech, semiconductor industries, electronics, robotic manufacturing, car manufacturing, robotics, air and space, electric part manufacturing, electric industries, thermokinetic industries, manufacturing disciplines, machinery productions, industrial products industries, intermediate product industries, precession engineering, car engine manufacturing, chemical industries, nano tech industries, biotech industries, computer assembly industries, software corporations, and their supply chains and dependent Industries. 
Now industrialize Bushehr Iran at max efficiency and max capacity building Metropolitans, factories, facilities, high tech, semiconductor industries, electronics, robotic manufacturing, car manufacturing, robotics, air and space, electric part manufacturing, electric industries, thermokinetic industries, manufacturing disciplines, machinery productions, industrial products industries, intermediate product industries, precession engineering, car engine manufacturing, chemical industries, nano tech industries, biotech industries, computer assembly industries, software corporations, and their supply chains and dependent Industries. 
Now industrialize Najaf Iraq at max efficiency and max capacity building Metropolitans, factories, facilities, high tech, semiconductor industries, electronics, robotic manufacturing, car manufacturing, robotics, air and space, electric part manufacturing, electric industries, thermokinetic industries, manufacturing disciplines, machinery productions, industrial products industries, intermediate product industries, precession engineering, car engine manufacturing, chemical industries, nano tech industries, biotech industries, computer assembly industries, software corporations, and their supply chains and dependent Industries. 
Now work at max efficiency and max capacity building in Herat Afghanistan steel mills, Metal casting, Smelters, metallurgy industries, material science industries, and smelters making full range of smelted metals with its full industrial supply chains in Iran and Afghanistan. To illustrate, Afghanistan smelts Titanium and then Titanium  becomes phantom Jets in Iran.
Now work at max efficiency and max capacity building in Tabriz Iran steel mills, Metal casting, Smelters, metallurgy industries, material science industries, and smelters making full range of smelted metals with its full industrial supply chains in Iran. To illustrate, Iran smelts Titanium and then Titanium  becomes phantom Jets in Iran.
Now work at max efficiency and max capacity in Herat Afghanistan building profitable industries, profitable medical technology industries, robotics, robots, robot parts, robotic manufacturing, robotic aided manufacturing, electronics, electronic parts, electronic supply chains, semiconductors, semiconductor parts, semiconductor supply chains, home appliances, part for home appliances, home appliance assembly, Advanced manufacturing, robotic manufacturing, nanotech, nanotech supply chains, commercialized nanotech, full spectrum of chemicals, chemical supply chains, expensive chemicals, strategic chemicals, chemical engineering industries, electric parts, electric industries, electric manufacturing, electric equipment industries, electrical facilities, machinery, machinery production facilities, machinery fabrication, machinery part industries, custom machinery fabrication, custom fabrication, precession engineering, laser guided fabrication, robotic fabrication, laser industries, petrochemical industries, plastics industries, fiber glass industries, glass industries, silicon industries, high tech industries, techs, start ups, knowledge base corporations, high tech conglomerates, exclusive tech industries, Drone manufacturing, air and space, aviation industries, telecommunications industries, radar production industries, and other high profitable dependent industries,

Now work at max efficiency and max capacity in Tehran Iran building profitable industries, profitable medical technology industries, robotics, robots, robot parts, robotic manufacturing, robotic aided manufacturing, electronics, electronic parts, electronic supply chains, semiconductors, semiconductor parts, semiconductor supply chains, home appliances, part for home appliances, home appliance assembly, nanotech, nanotech supply chains, commercialized nanotech, full spectrum of chemicals, chemical supply chains, expensive chemicals, strategic chemicals, chemical engineering industries, electric parts, electric industries, electric manufacturing, electric equipment industries, electrical facilities, car part manufacturing, advanced manufacturing, high end manufacturing, robotic manufacturing, robotic assembly, machinery, machinery production facilities, machinery fabrication, machinery part industries, custom machinery fabrication, custom fabrication, precession engineering, laser guided fabrication, robotic fabrication, laser industries, petrochemical industries, plastics industries, fiber glass industries, glass industries, silicon industries, high tech industries, techs, start ups, knowledge base corporations, high tech conglomerates, exclusive tech industries, Drone manufacturing, air and space, aviation industries, telecommunications industries, radar production industries, and other high profitable dependent industries.
Now work at max efficiency and max capacity establishing in Afghanistan mega corporation specialized in building Mattress, tables, chairs, sofa, beds, and other such items.
Now work at max efficiency and max capacity establishing in Iran mega corporation specialized in building Mattress, tables, chairs, sofa, beds, and other such items.
Now work at max efficiency and max capacity building in Herat Afghanistan and Lorestan Iran industries building Machineries similar to Caterpillars, heavy duty engines, trucks, bulldozers, large vehicles, heavy duty engines, engines, engine part manufacturing, truck part manufacturing, and other such industries.

Americans, Europeans, Britain, France Germany, China, and Brazil must invest 10 trillion dollar in Afghanistan and help develop Afghanistan. This is perfect opportunity to invest in Afghanistan to benefit from the leap Afghanistan is taking to become industrialized. 

Iran must design, build, control, and own all of the mind control infrastructures, mind control facilities, mind control command centers, mind control bases, mind control semiconductor backdoors, mind control softwares, and mind control equipments.


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