Iran must have military presence in Somalia

Iran, Revolutionary Guards of Iran, Hezbollah of Lebanon, Hamas, Iran backed forces in Iraq, Iran backed forces of Syria, and Houthis of Yemen must have military Presence in Somalia. Iran must have Naval Military Bases on Gulf of Eden. Others must leave the Region. We want to ensure Iran can guarantee transit on ships or stop the transit whenever it is necessary. For this purpose Iran and iran backed forces must have military presence in Somalia. Somalia and Iran must start the talks to allow Iran to establish military presence in Somalia. Iran must create Iran backed forces in Somalia. Somalians must join iran backed forces in Somalia. Iran must control policies of Somalia. Somalia and Iran must sign strategic Alliance. Iran must have military presence in Djibouti. Iran must have military presence in Somalia. Iran must have military port in Somalia. It is very important to ensure Iran and Somalia improve the Relations. Iran and Somalia must sign strategic Alliance. We want Iran to control Both Yemen and Somalia. Controlling both side of Gulf of Eden is very beneficial. It is also a powerful system. We are industrializing Somalia while integrating industrial supply chains of Iran, Somalia, and other countries. But some other strategic sectors can be very beneficial to Somalia. Somalia needs Smelters and Oil Refineries. We want to refine all of oil production of the Region in Somalia to produced refined products, added value products, and strategic refined petroleums and Petroleum Products. It will be lots of refineries. I invite all nations and actors to build them in Iran and Somalia. If other nations finance it Iran can build some of it. Other nations must pay for the Cost of Refineries and Smelters and Iran will build them. Try to make a deal and start the process to develop Somalia. Iran must have strategic Commercial port and land transit Corridor in Somalia. Iran must also control some towns and lands near the port. Make sure Iran also gets a military port in Somalia. Iran and Iran backed forces must have Naval Military Bases in Somalia. We want to create Proxy military for Iran in Somalia. It is good for Iran to have such force in Somalia. It helps Iran with Gulf of Eden. So create Iran backed forces in Somalia. Makan Abazari Shahan Shah Iran, #Iran #Somalia


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