
Showing posts from November, 2020

Iran and China Military Agreement

We want to improve Military Relations between Iran and China. We want Iran and China to build military equipment in cooperation with each other while China transferring Technology to Iran. We also build military Industry manufacturing supply chain across Iran and China to integrate their military manufacturing. Iran must gain the capability to manufacture advanced Chinese ships without much help from China. It is very important for our strategy and this project must be achieved. Iran and China must also sign agreement for mutual defense. It will mean if Iran is attack it China is also attacked this China must come to help of Iran and vise versa. It is also very important for our global security strategy as we are making similar alliance between Iran, Egypt, China, Russia, and Venezuela. It will guarantee global security and it shall be similar to NATO. But we need to take the first step by making agreement between Iran and China Military. Chinese troops must not be allowed inside Iran.

Iran Military Bases in Somalia

Iran must replace Italy, USA, and other actors in Somalia for security. Iran is a central Nation and is best fitted to protect and control Somalia. Iran can create peace between Rebels in Somalia and the Government. Then Iranian troops shall be in Somalia for Security of the Region. Iran and Somalia must become allies as Somalia was historically territory of Iran. Iran must again be in charge of Somalia and its security. Iran must have direct political rule and governance over Somalia. Somalia must become territory of Iran once more and in the first step in the process is opening Iranian military bases in Somalia and building massive intelligence infrastructure for Iran in Somalia. We want to guarantee long term growth and security of Somalia. So we also will invite investors from America, Europe, China, and elsewhere to invest in Somalia. We will pay taxes to Iran. Iran will also develop Petrochemical Industries of Somalia. This is very important strategy. We wanted Gaza to be under c

Iran and Russia Military Agreement

Iran and Russia must sign agreement for Military Cooperation and Mutual Defense. The military agreement must include mutual defense. Meaning if either Iran or Russia is attacked the other Nation is also attacked. It means they will have to come in defense of each other in case of war. It will be similar to NATO alliance. We want to create an Alliance between Iran, Egypt, Russia, China, and Venezuela. We want to achieve the first stage of signing the agreement between Iran and Russia. It will be first stage since signing between all of the at once has proved difficult or near impossible. So Iran and Russia must sign military agreement for Mutual Defense. Iran and Russia must also cooperate in manufacturing of Soviet and Russian Military Equipments. We create industrial supply chain between Iran and Russia to produce military equipment in both nations. Iran will also be independently capable of producing advanced Russian military equipment. It will be good for Russia since even Soviets f